Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Bithrday Tai

❤Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday❤
New Hair No.2
Noob Info Com notes
On our way to Tiao Heng
Big Room for 8 Pax
Small room for 2Pax
My Red Attire
Tai's Spectacular stunt

Met Tai at 2pm, but ended up meeting him at 2.30pm instead. But eventually i reached Town at 240pm. Smsed him asking where is he, then realised we are on the same train. Then he sms me again telling me got Ang Moh model, must see. But i didnt read his message until i reached NYDC at Wheelock.

Thinking damn sianx, surely no seat cuz eve of Public Holiday. Ended up when we reached there, its damn empty, with no one there. I ordered Three Amigos, as usual, n he ordered Three Amigo , pasta style, plus 2 set meal and a Macadamia nuts Cheese cake. When i ask them is there a 1for1, they told me eve of public holiday no offer. I'm like damn it, shld have eaten Sakae. But nevermind, it's the thought that counts.

During our lunch, i pass him my Info system notes. Then he say quite similar to what he learn in Poly, just that quite alot of unnecessary stuff. Chit chat for awhile, talk bout his Taiwan trip n when is he going to get a girlfriend topic then we proceed off to Katong for KTV. Walked all the way to Lucky Plaza, talking bout chess n different type of chess. For e.g Chinese, international, othello and Wei Qi. Discuss various type of strategy, in terms of formation and attacking technique.

We missed 14, so we took 16 instead and it took damn long. Regret taking 16, should have waited for 14 instead. By right we shld reach the KTV at 5pm, but ended up we reach at 515pm meaning less singing time. DAMN!! During the journey, Tai couldnt control his bladder and almost pee on the bus, plus i keep pressing his tummy to speed up the pee-ing process.

We sang for 530pm to 730pm, then ended up we took up another session from 740pm to around 850pm lidat. Actually still quite giam, although but our voice cannot make it alr. We sang the 古巨基劲歌金曲2 twice, the song is 12min plus plus so we spend half an hour to sing this song. It's damn nice, we kept singing it n took turn to sing the part. Tai did something damn spectacular, every time he choose a duet song, he will sing the guy's part and analog the females part so he didnt need to sing n duet together with the girl using analog again. I thought that was damn superb, and was quite wow about it that i took 2 video of him doing that.

After K, we went parkway to walk one round n i deposit my tuition money into my bank. Finally put some money into my bank, feeling damn poor once again but still had to save up for Taiwan trip at the end of the year. Went to Q bread to buy some bread for dinner, then i paid for it as a birthday dinner. Of course not so cheapo la, i buy him a birthday lunch as well and he treat me to Karaoke. By the time we left Parkway, it's like 1030pm, then he went drinking with friends at Loyang n i went home. Postpone my tuition to tomorrow, so had to wake up early for tuition.

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Monday, September 29, 2008

Swimming@Tes's house

❤Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday❤
Failed Hair
Tesmmon's swimming pool

Look so old here
Uncle@Coffee Shop
Hong Xuan(His brother)
Brotherly Love NOT

Woke up quite late, so went to school late. Reached school around 910am, by right i think i can reach before 9am. But i tried to wax my hair, cuz long time havent been styling my hair so today decided to style. The turn out wasnt that fantastic, but im quite happy with the side n the back( although i cant see the back of my hair)

Damn sianx, sat right infront of the lecture again n all alone. Dont know anyone in the lecture at all. Some more most of the time all the international students sit infront wan, so quite sianx. Not that im trying to stereotype or what la, but u know, most of the time they got their own group n langauge n it's quite hard to mingle if i really wants to. Don't get all mixed up or what, my secondary school close friends are all Indon n every time they come back to Singapore we will meet up for lunch n something lidat.

During break went out of lecture, then i saw Charmaine and Max. I'm like GOSH!! Finally some familiar faces, damn happy la. Finally got people i know la, dont have to be loner, sit infront n feeling emo. So happy, not that im happy they fail their PBF la, but just that im happy that got people i know. Past few lectures dont even feel like going xia, cuz the first lesson sat right infront, alone, damn sianx. So second lecture didnt even realised i got lecture, dread to go to school if thats the right term.

After school went to Tesmmon's place to swim, then after that can study. Bought pringles, Peach tea n Cadbury Boost to munch on. Study until damn tired, didnt even know i doze off, n when i realise what's happening it's around 6pm. Got to rush off cuz meeting you around 630pm to have dinner at my place. This whole week like everyday also having dinner at home wan. Missed all the home cooked food i use to eat when i was young, most importantly it's money saving. Dinner i can save up to 10bucks, for a week i saved like 70bucks la so im 70bucks richer.

Dinner was great, the Sesame Oil Chicken, Sambal kang Kong and Lotus soup. Quite boring thou, but it's quite nice. My parents didnt know you were coming, ended up not enough rice and dishes. I remembered telling my Mum, but she insist i didnt.

Hope everyone had enough!!!


❤I Say Lionel You Say Rocks! Lionel Rocks! Lionel Rocks! I say Lionel You Say Zai! Lionel Zai! Lionel Zai! ❤

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Geo lenses Spree

❤Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday❤

SpreeHouse Feedback (+2/-0)

Spreesgalore Feedback (+66/-0)

Spreesation Feedback (+4/-0)

First time ordering from Geo.. Pls join if you're comfortable with it~ ^^
Closing after 100 Pairs are met!!
Each pair at $15 SHIPPED!!!!!!!! (except photo lens.. @$17) HURRY!

My email: xiaozhen109@yahoo.com
Spreesgalore spree link: http://community.livejournal.com/spreesgalore/994745.html
Spreesation spree link: http://community.livejournal.com/spreesation/47360.html

Terms and Conditions::

1. Only paid orders will be taken in. No payment = No order.
2. Items not collected within 1 month after arrival will be confiscated.
3. The spree will be cancelled if response is too poor and refunds will be done.
4. No changes of the order once I have placed order.
5. I will not be responsible if the seller ships the wrong order/ colour, BUT I will make sure that all orders are correct before sending out.
6. If you opt for normal mail, I will not be responsible for any missing packages. I will state the return address at the back of the parcel.
7. Spree participants will bear all costs of all charges incurred from the ordering process.
8. Please try to post your order and transaction details in ONE COMMENT.

1. I am ordering direct from GEO website so ALL lenses are authentic.

2. You may order a pair with each lens of a different degree
3. Each pair of lens costs $15 or $17 (photo lens) (inclusive of shipping from korea)
4. Not taking in orders for ASTIGMATISM / TORIC
5. Availability of all the lens in degrees of -0.00 to -950.0 Otherwise stated.
6. Lifespan of the lenses should be about a year.. (of course you must clean them properly.. ^^)
7. I will wrap all items in bubble wrap so not to worry about breakage during postage.. ^^

*Item Distribution methods

a. Normal Mail
b. Registered Mail. (add $2.39 on top of normal postage (inclusive of 7%GST)

Normal postage charges:
1 - 2 pairs = $0.50
3 pairs = $0.80
4 pairs = $1.00
5 - 6 pairs = $1.50
over 6 pairs = $2.55
*Strictly NO MEETUPS

Payment Details

IB or ATM Transfer to POSB SAVINGS 159-13010-0 or OCBC EasiSave Account 581129566001
Pls use your LJ nick when transferring so as to make it easier for me
*No Interbank Transfers~ (please ask if you want to.. )

Spree will be closing on:: when 100 pairs are reached

Shipping Details

Direct Shipping from KOREA. Items may take about 1- 2 months to reach me. So please be prepared to wait.


There will be Only 1 payment to be made:

QTY of pairs of Lens x $15 or $17+ (Postage Pls refer to distribution methods) + $0.50 (handling fee) = SGD

Format of Order

Real Name/ LJ nick:
Bank Account Type/ number (in case of refunds.):

Item 1
Name of item: i.e: Magic Circle lens
Model Code: CM-836
Degree: i.e:: Left: -0.00 Right: -0.00

Amount: (Price in SGD)
Alt (if OOS):

Item 2
Name of item: i.e: Magic Circle lens
Model Code: CM-836
Degree: i.e:: Left: -0.00 Right: -0.00

Amount: (Price in SGD)
Alt (if OOS):

Total Amount in SGD: (QTY pair of lens x $15 or $17) + Postage (refer to Item distribution methods) + $0.50 = Total in SGD.

Payment Details
Ibank / ATM
Transaction Reference:
Date / Time of Transfer:

Frozen Replies = Payment Recieved

All unpaid orders will be deleted.

Please do post your mailing address + options HERE after placing your orders!

All updates will be done at My LiveJournal

:: Magic Circle Lens::

::Nudy Quarter Lens::

Please do note that Models CH-621, CH-623 and CH-932 are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

Please do note that Models CH-621, CH-623 and CH-932 are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

:: Angel Color Lens + Fresh Color Lens::

::Tear lens::

Please do note that all TWINS Models YH-301 to YH306 are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

::Honey Wings::

::Magic Color Lens::
Please do note that Models CM-721 to 725 are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

Please do note that Models CM-721 to 725 are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

::Patterned Lens::

::Customised Photo lens::
Please do note that coz the prices of photo lens is higher, it will be charged at $17 per pair instead.

::Animation Lens::
Please do note that ALL Animation Lens are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

Please do note that ALL Animation Lens are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

Please do note that ALL Animation Lens are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

::Crazy Lens:
Please do note that ALL Crazy Lens are ONLY Available in -0.00 degrees

::Character Lens::

::Constellation Lens::

::Normal Lens::

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Anniversay@Royal Plaza Hotel

❤Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday❤

Royal Hotel Singapore
Nice table settings
French Dessert
International Dessert
Chocolate Fondue
My 5course LunchMango Cake Royale Chocolate&Black forest Mini-Cake
Thai Mango Rice Pudding
Vanilla Ice cream With Fondue Sauce

9am, woke up once to check issit 1030am!!
9.30am, woke up to check whether issit 1030am!!
10am, again woke up to check whether issit 1030am!!

1030am, alarm clock ring, i finally woke up. What the hell la!!! By right can rest properly for 1h30min, instead i keep checking the time, scare i overslept or what xia. Went town with you, to Royal Plaza for buffet lunch. The place wasnt very crowded instead quite empty. Our phone reservation didnt get thru, had to pull connection to get the seats wan, stupid sai!!

It's like international buffet, like Paris and Sakura. there's alot of variety, and the quality of the food are damn good. The spag, they chef will cooked on the spot be it Bolognaise, carbonara or tomato sauce. Then the Lasagna, they put it in the heater where it will rotate to keep it warn so whoever wants it the chef will take it out and cut afew slices for u. Even for the cheese, there's a chef there to recommend which cheese suits u, and which topping to best to go along n stuff lidat.

For the Japanese cuisine, the Sashimi not those kinda sliced alr then put there for u to take urself. U order from them, then they on the spot cut it for u n serve it to u. Of course there's other fishes beside Salmon like, like Tuna and stuff lidat. That's for fishes.
There's another session for shell related seafood, like Lobster, Crab and Mud Crab. Scallop, Mussel and "you know what i dont know what" shell related monsters. Didnt eat any of those, cuz by the time i finish eating the western and eastern cuisine, i had no more space for Jap. Wasted man.

After our meal, had 2 cups of coffee, and some cakes n pudding. Thier pudding are more of those Indonesia, Vietnam and Thai Pudding. Their cakes will be Tiramisu, Black forest, Mango and Royale Chocolate. Alot alot of those crumple pie n stuff lidat, but im not use to eating pie so didnt take any. I merely take stuff like cakes, ice cream and Fondue. All of which, the Royale Chocolate very very nice, reminds me of the Cake i ate during Claire's Birthday.

After our meal, we went Wisma to collect our T-shirt for the Ribbon walk, seriosuly! The shirt is damn short, n i look damn weird in it. Like some overgrown baby, feedback to the organisation alr but doubt much can be done. The most will be a letter of apology i guess, all this had to wait for them to return mail to me then i'll know.

One good thing is the goodie bag, but i cant think of anything to buy from Reebok. Maybe all the nice things people alr bought, who knows. Inside the goodie bag, there's like Reebok voucher, Po Tiang jewel voucher(think is spell lidat wan ba), some massage thingy, Green colour Bra strip(well, guess i can be handy), Kotex/Whisper(didnt bother to take a second look) and some hair conditioner and shampoo and facial cream.

Went cine for our Movie, The House Bunny. We booked the ticket online, cuz Saturday tickets will be sold out if not the seats will be damn bad. The movie damn funny, damn bimbotic n easy to understand. Those of u dont know what show to watch, i recommend u this movie. The Main actress, behave just like Ulynn, really damn alike xia. Hope Ulynn wouldn't come across my blog, if not she's so gonna skin me, keep my finger cross.

Nothing much to do after that, so went to the Flea market beside Cine. There also nothing much to see since we just went there last week. Then went to watch mini F1 race, all they need to do is to slow down when turning n accelerate during straight roads. Watched awhile, left there for stadium to check out what we can buy from Reebok. Walked one round, then we left stadium then went home alr.

Send you home, then i went home. By then, my mind close to black out. Consecutively 4 days lack of sleep. Hoping tonight can sleep until shiok!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤