Monday, August 30, 2010

not only you

Sometimes girls told me they're disappointed in man, well, all i can say it's vice versa :)
She told me she just has something against guys, and i'll reply her that i have something against girls too.
Bottom line, we're all not perfect.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

thinking back

Thinking back to Primary school and Secondary school.
We were asked to set goals and ambitions, i bet everyone's ambition since young is to be a policeman and yes. For me it's Policeman when i was in primary school.
For secondary i was deeply Inspired by BP Wong, Brandon Lee & Paul Ho and i wanted to be a teacher thereafter.

Coming from a average family, i dont get to travel outta Singapore much and i hope i can go oversea travel around. Play and to have fun, and now, i'm given the chance to do so. I may not be very smart, results may not be as good as other. But at least i made all my dream came true, that's satisfaction :)

Im proud to tell u, i had my fair chance to be a police officer, a fair amount of time to get into the scope of teaching and now, i'll see the world.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Foundation course has came to an End.
I'm so happy that we all passed and made it to our next training.
I'm so proud of everyone of us, we had a 12hr notice and tada there we go stepping into the exam hall totally unprepared.

The few of us camped over at Victoria's place, i would have stayed over if it's not an all female environment. Studied thru the night, from 7pm till 3+am.

Next week, 2nd phrase of our training will begin. So excited because every one told me it'll be more fun than foundation.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Personal space

I use to have my personal space, i hate people invading my personal space.
But as time goes by, my personal space starts to get invaded and now, my "use to be" personal space has been re-program and i'm perfectly fine to touches.

It's an everyday thing, especially since my body is very warm & hot. When someone is feeling cold, they'll come to me to extract heat from me. Initially i wasn't use to it and am really not comfortable, but as time goes by it kinda became a norm.

hmmmmm, another thing to ponder bout.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

quite some time

it has been quite some time since this emotion last surfaced.

that emotion is such a strong one among the rest of the 7, one that exceeds Lust and dampen Pride.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Butter Fact

Going butter fact, because i got free entry.
Why not right? hahaha
take the entrance fee as my cab fare home, then can share cab with some of them, which makes it even affordable.
Guess they're gonna open bottle, have fun taking care of me :x

Thursday, August 19, 2010

i can NV
i must NV
i will NV
and that's it.

a No means NO, no matter what!!!
I'll will never compromise!!!

It's not a matter of fact of can or cannot, but whether want or dont want.

I just cant

*cherry blossom is the sweetest feeling, ain't it?*

Friday, August 13, 2010

I don't understand how you can smile all day long but cry yourself to sleep at night.
How pictures never change but the ppl in them do.
How forever turns into few short months that you'd do almost anything to get back.
How the ppl who once wanted to spend every second with you, think a few minutes of their time is too much to spare.
How ppl make promises despite knowing how common it is for promises to be broken.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What i did

Basically a brief summary and run through what i did this week.

Cab to work with Fion, and i swear that's the last time i ever gonna leave my so late. The next time i'll just booked a cab or something like this instead of waiting for cab at 8am. We went popeye after lesson, i just had it last week not long ago. After which, we went to catch a movie at Shaw "despicable me", quite a nice show but i slept 3/4 of the show. What a waste of moneh!!! After that accompanied Chloe to get padding for her heels at Watson then i cab home.

after work, we went home to rest for few hours, then thereafter went Bedok 85 for supper. Had sore throat, so i ate porridge and that's it. Sat there chit chat gossip until 2am plus then went back home for our beauty sleep. Few hours only, and it's time to go sch. So fast man!!!

Ate Carls Jr for dinner, actually i told myself not to eat fried food but Chloe like so happy over it and i felt that i had to give in, if not i feel so bad. We shared Western Bacon doubles and surprisingly i'm not full u know. After which we went to Kbox for K, and Eric kept all the tidbits from me. Sang till quite late, cab home with the Marina Square Kia (fion)

went home to take nap, drove out ard 8+ to meet Fion and Deborah in town. Chit chat makan shop till 11+ then we went to Mustafa to meet the rest of our Batchies.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Nasron told us this, and i'll never forget:

People like this exist for a reason, they exist to make the others more bonded.
They existed to make our life more interesting, and i couldnt agree more.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Despicable me

I finally got to watch my long awaited Despicable Me.
But sadly, i dozed of 3/4 of the show. Damnit, i'm gonna be the joke in the class again. I told myself i wanna be low profile, and i think it'll never work nb.


Actually, i think she's cute.
hahaha, that sounds creepy :x

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A packed weekend

I had never had such a packed weekend.
All my schedule, sleeping, computer time is layed out so nice till i'm so surprised.
I enjoyed my weekend, with my new friends.
Some from malaysia, some from Singapore. All of us from all walks of life, it's really an experience.

We strived to be the best, and we will be the best :)