Friday, January 31, 2014

A new year

Yet again, another year has passed and here I am back to this blog, reviving it giving it it's yearly dose. To those who still tune in to here, I would like to wish you a Happy new year and a Belated Merry Christmas. It's 2014, hopefully everyone has made their new year resolution and keeping to it. 

2013 has been a crazy year, many shits happen, crazy thing happens and I'm glad i'm still here standing able to type to read and to breathe. I have been drinking so much, that i decided i'm not gonna be who I am in this 2014. Made a new year resolution to quit drinking, which i feel it's entirely not practical. Hence i have decided to just call it quit and might as well change it to 'cut down on drinking' which is hypothetically more practical like Uh huh. 

Count my blessing, 1 year older and 1 year of wisdom. I'm not as immature as I use to be but i am pretty sure i'm still as immature as ever.  But well, like what wise man says it takes a man 40years to be matured *sigh* looking forward to another horse cycle. Perhaps by then i'll be the man that every other woman talks about *perhaps perhaps perhaps* 

I'll try to be active and if pozzible, I'll give it a daily update if i have things to say or rant about *muack*

My new hairdo, and I'm getting use to it hehehehe