Wednesday, August 27, 2008

22nd Anniversary

❤Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday❤

In Kun's Fiat Panda
Suki Sushi Buffet

Set my Alarm clock at 11am, but when i heard my alarm ringing it was alr 12pm.
I jumped out of bed run to the bathroom, shower then left my house. Luckily didnt miss the train n everything was quite smooth, but i didnt reach NTU on time which is like 130pm. So i waited for Kun&Clara and you at BoonLay MRT to pick me up.

P.S Clara rented a car to pick her mum up so we got a car for the day =x

By right wanted to go Chinese Garden to play the slide and of course to swim. But it was raining quite heavily, ended up decided to go back to SengKang Complex since they got the slide and also the Indoor pool. Then im like zzz, rushed out of house ended up back to my house again.

Reached SK swimming complex, ended up didnt swim went my house for MJ instead. Didnt have enough time so we only played one round, quite a stalemate thou. When the game ended, only you lost to Kun $5, the rest no win no lose, or maybe Kun covered for Clara which i cant remember. But thru out the whole game, Clara only won 1 5Tai ZiMo.

At 5plus they left my house to pick the sister up from NYP, then think Kun needed to send Clara to her school. But Clara's lesson is at 7, then her mum will be arriving at 715pm, that means Kun need to reach Airport in 15mins time. Dont know hows he gonna do it thou, but u know la, after arriving still need wait for plane to land, belt to move, check passport n Queuing up so here n there will take around 45min.

As for myself, the buffet will start at 6pm, so we decided to go Hougang Mall to submit my JUMPSHOT 3on3 form, btw, for the whole day im thinking of a Team Name for our Team. I came up with names like Genesis, Apocalypse, Naruto =x, Rage, NOob. Then Kong asked me to decide, as for HongWei he suggested like Lee Tang Kong or something lidat. Sorta a combination of our name, but i think its not very nice. So i asked Kun&Clara n you for suggestion, then they came out with names like Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty, Slash etc. But ended up i wanted Apocalypse but when i filled up the form, i wrote Three Amigos. When i submit the form, the cashier said why not Trio Amigos, im like its okie la zzz!

The 3on3, i thought its only 3on3 competition then if u wanna sign up for free throw or dribbling competition u can signed up too. But ended up, its the whole event. That means there's dribbling competition, obstacle dribbling plus free throw. Each event has its own point system, of all the competition, 3on3 has the highest among them, like 3000points. But if u do well for the previous event its like winning one 3on3 match. Of course i wouldnt know how the actual point system works until i go experience it myself. So wait for 13th Sept i will update the point system again. N i heard from Kun that Nike 3on3 is on, so maybe im gonna take part in that too, if im not wrong Nike wan will be damn aggressive. So, need to buff up buff up, sharpen my elbow.

P.S the cashier looks like Ella!!! N it's Michelle's friend.

After that, i wanted to go to Home Fixed, but i totally forgot all about it. Im at the basement, yet i forgot to go there(Home Fixed is located at the Basement), wanted to buy nails to fix my Mahjong table. Although didnt really break apart, just wanted to maintain it, afterall its my birthday present so wanna treasure it u see. So, forgot to buy nail equal cant fix the table. Guess need to wait till tomorrow to go Compass point to buy the nails.

After signing up for the 3on3, went to Suki for dinner buffet. Youth plus 2bucks off so shouldnt be that expensive, compare to Sakae Sashimi buffet. Cuz Sakae Sashimi buffet is like 28nett and Suki, if im not wrong was 20nett, Sashimi style. Ordered hell lotsa stuff, sat down open the Menu started ordering alr. I think the waiter for a shocked too, machiam see 2Yao Gui lidat.

Let me try to recall what we ordered =x
Sushi: Tamago, 2Unagi, Salad, Unknown fish, Soft shell crab
Handroll: 2Soft shell crab, Fried ebi
Fried: Tako yaki, 2Gyoza, 2Tori karaage
Dishes: Soft shell crab, 2Yaki tori, Cheese Scallop
Dessert: 2Mango pudding

Guess thats about it, think still got more, cuz i cant remember what else we ordered for the Sushi. As for the fried stuff n dishes should be something lidat ba.

Damn shagged, slept at 11am, but ended up woke up at 330am, couldnt sleep anymore. Dont know whats the problem also, maybe too excited cuz first day of school. Recently, every night, while sleeping i felt someone watching me. Also dont know why i will have this kinda feeling. Dont care Dont know Dont Bother.

Go back to sleep le, Oysuminasai

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤