Sunday, August 10, 2008

Freestyle Addict

SunSnackGioTTo Germany Rocher

Skull Rabbit


Today went Downtown East for my weekly swimming dose. Last week, my goal&aim is to learn how to swim freestyle, so today i place 100% concentration on freestyle. The strokes, the kicking, timing when taking in oxygen n the postures. When i swim, HongWei will look and point out the mistakes i have made, n when he swims, i will told him how it looks like. After much discussion, we tried to peep at this guy swimming freestyle, because his strokes are very graceful&gentle. So we were trying to look at him n simulate his strokes then tried to copy his strokes. Although its not very easy, cuz afterall there isnt any experienced instructor around. HongWei&i are like penguin & chicken teaching each other how to fly.

Luckily the night before i went to do some research on Youtube, watching how people do their freestyle n stuff like that. Looking at the way they kick their leg and feet, whether is it the entire thigh or just the calf n the feet. Today consider the first week of freestyling n i hope more to come.
After our swim, we went to the foodcourt outside Downtown East Chalet to have our lunch. HongWei&I ordered Thaistyle Fried chicken, lol, just like last week but this week we didnt order an extra fish soup to go along, instead we almost ordered a MeatBall soup. But of course we didnt order the MeatBall soup cuz HongWei is still traumatized by his dinner n his FishBall soup.

To my surprise, a mountain of rice and Tao Pok and sone vege and bubble tea was on my table.not the end of story... Sudden a bown of fishball SOUP appear when i was struggling halfway on my food...
As usua... No to food wastage and i SINNED heavily today... Chao Chao 1 kg increase lo... think need to work hard tmr le Kampatei!!!
An extract from HongWei's blog ( for further details please refer to

After that we went back to SengKang for some ball game, unfortunately, its drizzling there so we didnt carry out our initial plan, instead we went home to slack. As for me, i reached home then i dozed off, and sleep through out the entire evening till around 9pm my dad wakes me up for dinner. To my delight, i had dinner( hohohoo ) i thought i'm not gonna eat dinner. Although its just maggi mee with Chaw siew&Sio Bak, its still better than nothing. One thing to add, the soup taste awful, taste like vegetable, not very tasty, but must feel the love, the love... the love...... Fatherly LOVE.....

You went to eat sushi without me, you went to play Mahjong without me too. You asked me to go eat sushi with you n you asked me to sit there and watch you play Mahjong. But you didnt call me at all. Luckily Kun called me n ask whether i wanna play Mahjong, n i think why not since i got nothing to do. But after calling so many people, everyone seens to be playing Mahjong, if not they were not free cuz they got something on tomorrow. Therefore, we canceled the Mahjong session, Kun went to play his Dota n I continue watching my D.Gray Man.

After awhile, chatted with you online then i went to sleep

Woke up at 12pm, sad, cuz its raining, n i cant satisfy my craving for freestyle. Text HongWei to tell him swimming session canceled, due to unforeseen weather circumstances. Went back to bed, snooze for an hour plus, woke up again, check out the weather n everything looks fine. Therefore text HongWei to resume swimming session, hes fine with it. So i text you to ask whether is Hougang raining? You replied me, still drizzling. Quite dishearted, text HongWei whether wanna go Pasir Ris to try out luck. Initially, every thing was fine, but ended up cancel again, back to sulking mood. Once again i couldnt satisfy my craving for freestyle.

Went back to snooze for awhile, woke up at 2pm plus, check out the weather, looks fine but the floor looks wet, dismiss the swimming idea, went online to see what i can do. Minli came online, chatted with her for awhile, then she told me that Tampines didnt rain at all. Felt like i just got bang by a meteor strike, free ride to Holland with return flight plus a First class seat. Nevermind, felt even worst though, i continue watching my D.Gray Man, i realised the Anime is quite crapped, damn long winded, unlike the Manga, straight to the point. But the Anime provide more insight n understanding of the storyline.

Left home at 545pm to have dinner with your family, missed a 136 thinking the next one will be here like 605pm? Stone at the bus stop, thinking if next few days rain, then whens the next time i gonna swim. Reached your house around 625pm, which was quite fast. You on the cable, tune in to All Limping, and the event for the day is swimming. All the girls had broad shoulder, damn envious( but my friend said my shoulder look broader, wahahaha, *p.s refer to thursday thread) Looking at the way they swim, trying to pick up n learn the way they swim, but nah, its too fast for my eyes to catch.

Shortly, your sister came home with her husband n your mother. They bought Sambal chicken, with some vegetables and Prata back for dinner. Everything is nice, but i think the stall holder cheated your sister because the chicken he gave all bones. Last time when your sister buy back, it wasnt like this. But yap, it still taste nice, just that the portion got small.

Around 9pm, i left the house together with your sister and mother. I went to Blk805 to buy dinner back home for my parents, then proceed home. Quite cool, your mother gave me this 'Color changing rabbit with a skull on its forehead', you gave me the Germany chocolate GioTTo & your sister gave me this Organic Sunflower seeds which is suppose to be healthy.

Reached home around 10pm, BLOGGING TIME~!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel rocks❤