Sunday, September 14, 2008

Picture speaks a Thousand Word

Wed@ChinaTown with my parents You tie my hairDavin's birthday
Playing Soccer@TheCathey Adidas On the Way Home
Nothing to do so took out Camera
You Join in shortly
On my way home

❤Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday❤
Accompany my mum the whole day cuz she will be all alone in Chinatown if i didnt go. Morning went to UOB to make my Uni campus debit card, quite shocked they gave me a cheque book cuz i wouldnt be using it i guess.

After that went HSBC with my mum to deposit her money there, wondering if HSBC had any debit card cuz i would love to get one to enjoy the 1for1 benefits.
Dinner with my parents and you at your house there de Tsu Cha, not that bad, went home n started reading my Order of the Phoenix

❤Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday❤
Lesson lesson lesson, quite boring n dry. Really not interested in computer, starts to put this lecturer in the same league as Johnathan Peh, so welcome to the league Mr Hao Joh or whatever his name is.

Damn hungry, bought a Chicken pie during break, pathetic 5min break in an 3h lecture. Thats what i call sadish, cuz i aint able to focus at all. Du lan, so daze through out the lecture.

Met Kong at 1pm when we were suppose to meet at 12pm, went for a swim until 3.30pm ++ then went Clementi to eat Botak jones. Never ordered the Mexican Rice before, so tried it, not bad quite nice quite love it. Halfway through we saw Chun Wei with his friends, found out they going to play basketball so we went to find them at the court after our late lunch.

Played 3on3 with their friends, not very happy cuz they were damn rough, if i was wearing my shoe im quite sure my elbow will be out. As u see, slippers is very difficult to run.
At night went to celebrate Davin's birthday, send Joe and the girlfriend home after that.

❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤
Went to Plaza Singapura to catch a movie, but the time slots were very bad. So gave up the idea, went to walk around TheCathey and PS to shop. Shop for what, im not very sure, but we were looking for clock to decorate your room.

Ended up went back to Hougang mall, n i bought the Maxtor External Hard disk 320GB for 100bucks. Kinda lazy to go anywhere else so just bought it in Challenger, get it over and done with.

At night, suppose to go supper with Kong, ZhiKai, Edmond, Iman and Jiahui. Around afternoon time, Kong say he hangover, so at night not going. Nevermind, trying to be optimistic, went home install my Hard Disk. ZhiKai sms me say tired, reach home liao lazy go out. WT*? I'm fetching u for goodness sake, all u need to do is to stay below ur house right?

Nevermind, so went to fetch Iman first, then go Tenah Merah to pick up JiaHui, then he damn Kang gong asked him wait at the side towards Simei, he went over to the side towards Bedok ended up had to park infront of the bus stop to wait for him. So reached Sempang Bedok quite early, then decided to wait for slot cuz we were there very early and Edmond is coming around 1230am latest 130am.

Waited for15min, finally got a slot so we parked the car in then slowly walked towards the 89.7 makan place. Slowly take our time n everything while waiting for Edmond, then Midnight, he sms us sorry guys not coming. WT*? Another one pang seh. So we finished our supper, went to Jalan Kayu had dessert there, Bomb Prata and Ice Cream Prata then chit chat until very late then went home.

Reached home 330am, shag xia, read abit of Harry Potter then went to sleep le.

❤Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday❤
You booked Wall.E, so went to watch at Cine. Reached very eary, so we went to Subway for lunch, bought the usual messy Meatball Marinara. Ours damn Ma fan cuz always had to asked them to buy half Green Pepper and Half Tomato, some more the gravy alot, whenever we take a bite it will drip all over us, mostly you.

After the meal went to Flea market at youth park to take a look. Jiaxin and the sister were there selling clothes, and your friends were opening stall too. After half an hour or so over there, we left and went back to Cine to watch our movie.

After the Movie, went to Gloria Jean Cafe for a cup of 3bucks Ice blended coffee. Forgot bout our painful experience there, we went there the second time realising our impression havent changed at all. Not at all. On top of that, we ordered a Potato Salad which looks delicious, but never judge a book by it's cover. Yap yap??

Went to Wheellock to buy your Ipod Touch's screen protector, which cost 29bucks ( WoW) then went back home. Cam whore abit on the train, n on our way home.

Think i will blog more when my keyboard is feeling better, n me myself feeling better. Series of unfortunate event tone down that is, that is IF u see. Now im updating the blog, but it's merely blog for the sake of blogging.

Certain things, had to get over it before setting off for a new journey. Not only results, but events that happened after getting my result. Things that made me ponder, giving it a second thought, but is it worth giving it a second thought? Or is it merely just me being egoistic unable to maintain my composure? Certain values, truth and facts slap me damn hard on the face, asking me to wake up my bloody idea.
Not everyone is perfect, everyone has flaws. Flaws that oneself can never identify it, perhaps some could, but most are too ego to accept it. Even if the facts are right infront, but most couldnt accept it n carries on the "i'm right i'm comfortable with this lifestyle i'm couldnt be bothered" attitude. So what are flaws, and what are perfection? Perfection cover up the flaws, or the flaws overpowering the perfection of one.

People always say, the more you give the more you get. But how true is that? Does it really worked that way? Guess it varies ba, not every human being is homogeneous. Even if i believe i did give alot, but am i receiving anything or rather did i actually give anything? Or is it just afew unfortunate incidents that triggered this thought and discard all the good things that had happened to me. Guess only when im in the right set of mind, then i can view the issue as an outsider rather than someone who is involved.

P.S nothing is wrong with my r/s so dont think too much ^^

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤