Friday, September 26, 2008


❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤
Lunch@Carl's Jr
Shifted one table from somewhere so we got 2 tissue box
The Cs' unite
The Ls' unite
Clapping Kun
Study Time
Taiwan Beef Noodle
Jail House rock
Looking Patient
Dozed off

3rd day, lack of sleep for 3days!! Since Wed until today, i didnt have enough sleep. The lethargic is killing me, eyes can barely open so i bo bian had to wear my glasses. If wear contacts eyes will feel very dry n when i put the lenses in, i can feel sharp pain which i assume was that my eyes are very sensitive or weak when i had not enough sleep to recuperate.

Left my house at 1215pm, reached Plaza Sing Carl's Jr at around 1.30pm, Kun&Clara was there alr. So we put our bag then join them in ordering, stupid Clara left her bag open and her DS Lite n Rubrik cube are exposed. Anyone trying to be funny can just take her things n walk away without letting other people see. Unless some other potential thief saw him take la. Closed her bag for her we went to order. Ended up all of us order the same thing for lunch, Mushroom burger with Beef Chille Cheese Fries. But ours got double patty and extra fries.

By the time finish eating n settle down, it's alr 2pm. Then all of us take out our notes and started studying. Kun was doing Maths, i'm doing my Micro Economic, Clara using the laptop and you were doing your Chem thingy. Mine is more of recap what i done in year one, just that abit more detailed n more explanation. Kun is totally bout JC trigo but he had this L. Hopital Rule bout Limits. But you were playing with your Itouch more than studying =.=

5pm, we left cuz i had tuition at 630pm and you had tuition at 7pm. Then Kun be accompanying Clara to her school n we agreed to meet at 11pm at Bishan for prawning. Met Kenneth and almost puke blood, he cant even manage his 3D Trigo. O lever is 30days away, n he couldnt visualise, i really had nothing to say. All i can do now is to keep pumping him and drilling him with all the concepts and formula. If 2times a week is not enough, 3times a week shld be more than enough i hope. But the problem is i dont know what he doesnt know, everything i asked him he also say he knows. But when do anything, he everything also dont know. Blood bank de blood also not enough for me to puke.

After tuiton, asked my dad to pick me up. Ate my mum's Taiwan Beef Noodle, the noodle very nice especially the beef. Can tell she being stewing if for quite some time, cuz its very tender, unlike my dad wans. He 7pm makan, 4pm then cook so the meat rough like tyre. Makan finish went to take a nap, but i doubt i dozed off cuz i keep flipping here n there. Then when 11pm finally came, i drove down to Bishan together with you to pick up Kun&Clara.

The prawning place is quite near Sin Ming ave, so if go all the way then left turn will be The Prata house alr. So next time can go eat prata after Prawning, that is if you didnt catch any prawn la. When reached the place alr, im damn blur, dont know what to do where to go how to prawn. So kept looking around see how other people prawn, then if manage to catch any, how to unhook it n stuff lidat.

10mins later, my rod twitched, so i just pulled it out n i got one prawn out of the pond. But my first prawn, Kun helped me to unhook it and remove their pincer then safely put into my net. That's my first prawn!!!! You wanted to catch one too, but after awhile nothing came along so you passed it back to me. Shortly i caught another one n this time i unhook it n remove the pincer myself. Felt so sad for the prawn whenever i unhook it or remove their pincer, cuz i will be imagining someone pulling my fingers out or knocking afew of my teeth or rip my gum apart. If not in the process of pulling my fingers, his feet will be stepping on my head. Felt damn bad damn bad, remorseful.. .. ..

After that pass back to you, then after awhile you caught your first one too. Then again, i had to unhook it n remove the pincer cuz you didnt dare to do it yourself. But frankly speaking, my first time took quite long cuz i was afraid of pulling their pincer out. At the end of the prawning session we had a total of 6prawns, half way thru, Kun felt asleep and Clara was all alone there prawning looking damn sianx. I decided not to eat it there cuz i wanna bring them home to show my parents, so we went Clara's place to eat supper then went home to sleep le.

P.S will upload more prawning photo when i received the photos

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤