Friday, September 5, 2008


❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤

Today is a day that i will never forget

Thanks for buying lunch over to my place, 5star western from Hougang.
Thanks for waiting for me to get dress up and you're waiting half an hour for me downstairs
Thanks for consoling me cuz i failed my PBF
Thanks for asking your friends to Zouk to accompany me
Thanks all your friends for coming
Thanks for all ur concern
Thanks all those who came when im feeling low
Thanks Kim for coming even though she's not feeling well

Feeling all sianx and everything cuz i failed my PBF, suddenly had the mood to club. Hence asked my friends and you to come. Very nice of you to ask your friends to come too. Wanted to club cuz didnt wanna think bout my Exams and the modules im gonna repeat this year. Thinking bout taking 5 modules make me feel sick. Thinking bout how my other friends did for their Exams makes me feel even worst.

Did study, result didnt show. Feeling damn down damn dumb damn sianx. Wanna get indulge in something, maybe just a day, to drown my sorrow, to forget everything for a day, just for a day. Didnt wanna think much, result slip throw to one side, a day to enjoy to get outta reality. Just for a day.

Thanks all your friends for coming. Did enjoy myself, didnt exactly got drunk thou. But enjoying oneself doesnt mean he needs to get drunk. Music is damn loud thou, eardrum still beating. Thanks for coming when im aint feeling that fantastic. Really thanks for everything. Thanks for coming though i know you didnt feel like it. And those who didnt feel like coming came too. Thanks alot =)

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤