Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Estee's Birthday

❤Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday❤
The father said i look like him

People say i look like 阿信 from Mayday(五月天)

Shannon's Tuition at 1pm, postpone it to today cuz went out with Tai yesterday. Nothing much to do with her, went thru all the past year exam paper from other school n one tuition session ended just lidat. Doesnt know what else to teach any more, like everything she also know alr just that her foundation abit weak only.

After tuition, went Hougang Mac to study Info system. Damn sianx, this topic really killing me man, the whole chapter is damn bloody dry. Everything i read, like doesnt make any sense to me. So wordy n again dry. So decided to do a mind map so that, maybe perhaps hopefully, it will knock some sense into me. Apparently it did help, but by the time i finished the mind map it's about time to leave.

Went to Bangawan Solo to buy a cake for Estee, n a pink color rose then waited for your dad to pick us up to go Farmart. Quite squeezy, cuz your cousin and auntie were inside as well. So behind got like 3 adults and one kid. Then when we reached Estee's place, you n i did a transition from Cefiro to IV-Tec.

Luckily got reservation, cuz the place damn crowded, everyone standing n queuing up for seats. We ordered, pork rib, Prawn Mayo, Thai style Chicken, Nice Soup, 2 plates of Vegetable, Tofu and a Egg Plant In Claypot. But before the food comes, we decided to cut the cake first to save time n everything. But the wind was damn strong, so we blow the candle without lighting the candles and just cut the cake after singing the Birthday Song. The Present presentation was very fast also, everything just dump there then Happy Birthday then everyone take a slice of cake and settle down alr.

The food was quite nice, just the fact that you forced me to eat Macdonald with you, then i felt damn full at the end of the day. After our meal, we still got a plate of BBQ chicken wings coming up, but we ran before they deliver cuz we are feeling damn full. Every time the person walked pass us, Estee will hide her head behind some one or bag or shirt so that the person couldnt recognise her. But i think they forgot bout our order alr. Your Cousin the "being" chao chao, like buey song lidat also dont know why. Quite rude to the mother n uncle, but nevermind, my niece isnt any better. Nowadays generation getting worst n worst, or maybe i'm suey, met all the ill-manners brag.

Felt damn full, dozed off inside the car then by the time i woke up i'm alr at home.

你是我的眼 带我领略四季的变换
你是我的眼 带我穿越拥挤的人潮
你是我的眼 带我阅读浩瀚的书海

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤