Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Innovative Lunch

❤Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday❤

This is my innovative lunch, Maggi mee with Carbonara sauce. Ham plus cheese&egg, microwave for second. Looks nice? I think it taste not bad, just that it got the stupid Maggi Mee's taste which turned me off. But overall the cheese and egg was nice. Provided if you break the egg and stirred with the Maggi Mee, which i strongly agree as it covers the Maggi Mee's taste lolx!!

Kenneth cancel tuition again, damn stupid!! If i know he's gonna cancel tuition i would have gone out to study the whole day. Cuz i thought if gonna tuition him, study for 2h hour might as well dont study, ended up stone at home until tuition time, recieve call telling me tuition cancel =.= wasted my Tuesday just lidat.

Some more rain the whole day, cannot swim cannot ran!! Luckily at night the rains stop, so i went to jog around my house. Went back home stone some more, con't reading ClayMore =x

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤