Sunday, October 19, 2008


❤Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday❤

Marks and Spencer Glove
Boring Curry Katsu
SwordFish Sashimi(think its call Mikazimi)

Omelet with cabbage/pork

Tuition at 1130am, woke up late, waited for stupid bus for 20min, so damn late for tuition. Nevermind, start late end late meet late. Tuition ended at 130pm lidat, then Tai told me he eaten lunch alr and he couldnt make it by 2pm so we met at 3pm instead. After tuition, slowly walked to CompassPoint. From there, i bought 2 currypuff and one cup of CupWalker, finish everything before entering the station.

Reached Sommer set around 230pm, damn early i think. Saw Kelvin, bastard, tried to check my bag and everything. But i click it so he couldnt open the bag, abit malu he put the bag down then asked me where im going n stuff lidat, free can meet up to drink or chat. Then he left and went back to his Junior who are waiting for him slightly infront.

Tai reached at 330pm, luckily i smart brought my PSP along so got something to do during the 1h wait. After that, we went to Cine to fix his Lappy MacBook G4 series. Reached Mac, as usual, we walked afew rounds to wait for Tai to gather enough courge to approach the stuff. This guy quite nice too, he charge the lappy for Tai, restart his Mac, then even brought a few discs to install programmes for him. But Tai rejected his offer and say it's okie la, then the guy offered to dispose the lappy for him, Tai say nvm its okie also. When we left, Tai told me that guy dispose his lappy got money wan, might as well he dispose himself.

Left Cine, but heavy rain, changed our mind and started walking around Cine. Nothing much, mostly girls stuff, third floor maybe got more male stuff but are all designer goods. Budget abit tight same goes for N.U.M. Went Nike, got quite afew sales item but most of which didnt really suit me, so i just 'try and run'. Walked afew more rounds until the rain stops, we faster chiong outta Cine, but quite basket also la. Step outta Cine, it started to rain again but despite the fact it's raining we just ran to Heeren.

Heeren was damn empty, for a Sunday matter of fact same goes for Cine, we went to Levis to see whether there's any Belt that suit Tai's taste. But his budget was 10-20bucks, so Levis is out. Walked one round then we proceed to Flash&Splash, not really interested in Surfer's thing anymore unlike last time. But still couldnt wait to go to AnchorPoint, cuz JiaHui told me there's a storewide 50% sales there. After that, we went to 77th street and there's alot of belt there for him to choose and i looked at vest and hat, those hat that Zorra wears. There's this sales man damn funny, the way he do sales like wanna fight lidat.

Salesman: arlo, can i help?
Tai: i'm only looking for belt.
Salesman: What kinda belt? come, u come here, here alot of nice one.
Tai: orh okie(tried a few)
Salesman: so how? which one u like?
Tai: think i like the first one, second one too loose.
Salesman: aiyo, now people all wear loose loose wan leh. This call fashion, i think 2nd wan nice leh, u sure u dont want ar?
Tai: ya, i think the first one look nice also.
Salesman: actually okie la, first one also quite nice la. Later u done hor, come counter, i put there ar.
Tai: orh, thank you ar.
Salesman: no need thank wan la. You now studying ar?
Tai: no la, now serving Ns.
Salesman: Ns ar, sianx xia, serve at where?
Tai: at tekon now lo.
Salesman: wah, at Tekon ar, Sergeant issit?
Tai: ya sergeant.
Salesman: wah.. sergeant good life xia( salute)

After that we left there alr, then the salesman said Bye sergeant bye to Tai. We walked one round around Heeren, then went to the atrium to sit down cuz its still raining outside. Then there's this guy and a model promoting the new attitude dining at Heeren 5th floor. We went to take a look thou, there's Fish&Co, Waraku normal dining at Paste concept, NYDC, Jack's Place and Thai Express.

There's this Moch Misu, Mahattan Mango cake and Jamica Banana Chocolate cake contest. The contestant only needs to taste the cake and remember the name and answer the MC. First was this old lady, follow by this small girl and both of them won with the MC prompting them. After that was some Q&A and i won myself a NYDC $5 vouncher.

When the rain stops, Tai and i went to Paragon to look at Crumple bag and Mark's and Spencer to take a look at their clothing, at their food then i told Tai that Marks and Spencer offered loan and investment opportunity too despite the fact that there are not banks or other investment outlet. At crumple i saw the bag i wanted, and after a few enquiry bout the dimension i decided to buy that bag alr.

Walked back to Heeren for dinner. By right we were deciding between Billy Bombers and Waraku, ended up went to Waraku cuz it was so much nearer. Initially we got a seat so near the counter, so we cant take out our 7 11 drinks, so we shifted to some where more secluded to hide from them, but ended up couldnt drink much as they patrol around too often. I alr had what i wanted in mind, so Tai was looking thru the menu to see what can he order.

Finaly decision, we ordered a Curry katsu Don, Pork cabbage with omelete( taste DAMN bloody good), Swordfish sashimi and his Yakuniki. Actually we intended to order a Hotake cuz it's of the same price as the sashimi, but he said the Swordfish Sashimi is damn nice must try, so ended up we ordered the Swordfish Sashimi.

When the food arrived, every was nice, even the Sashimi, just that it's abit too little. But nevertheless, it still taste nice, especially the Pork Cabbage Omelette, that wan was super nice. Tai regretted ordering the swordfish, should have ordered 2 Pork Omelette instead, then each of us eat 1.

After our meal, we were NYDC to eat Mudpie, cuz i got the 5dollar vouncher and decided to expense it. Ended up couldnt use it at all cuz this is NYDC dining and not NYDC resturant, what a waste. So we paid 10bucks for the Mudpie, but we sat there for close to 2h. Then we walked to PS, and i took NEL, he took bus from Sim Lim, crazy fellow....

Went home to transfer money to Tai, forgot to pass him the money earlier on. Added the Payee name and transferred the money to Tai, so wanted to sms him to notify him instead i sms the DBS banking service, "i transfer you the money alr, night night, lolx" felt so stupid =.=

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤