Sunday, February 1, 2009

Friday Gambling session

Tai stayed over at my place after our Mahjong session with his army friends, since we are gonna go Left4dead at PS might as well just stay over at my place then go there together ma. We chit chat till quite late before we went to bed and stuff lidat and before i realised it's alr time to wake up.

Supposed to play with your NTU friend, but played halfway he got to go attend to his Pageant thing since he's the coordinator. Hence we ended our game around 4.30pm before heading off to Cathy for a walk.

Quite happy, cuz GuiWen sms me in the morning saying he will be there tonight, Bernice and Michelle will also be coming over after they finish Bai Nian-ing, Claire and Sky also be coming after their dinner or something lidat maybe past midnight? Kun and Clara not going over to their relative's place and will be here tonight. Angeline told me she be here after her work and Tesmmon be here after visiting his relatives. I thought none of them be able to make it, cuz all were very uncertain.

What i'm worried was that what if Gui Wen bring 4 people over to my place? Then my place will be flooded la, some more 6 people wanna play Mahjong n definitely not enough Mahjong slot lo. Total there's like 18plus people coming over la, lidat it's gonna be so crowded. Initially i thought there will only be 9 people, myself & you, Baoli & her friend, Wu Hw & Tai, Ben & GF cuz they sounded very assured like Bao even thought of pon-ng lecture and stuff lidat.

After dinner@AjiTeh, smses bombard and everything starts coming in and gotta damn diao plus fed up and WTF. Tesmmon told me he's not coming cuz his friends are not coming considering Kun and i are not his friends, uh huh. Michelle and Bernice not coming cuz they still Bai Nian-ing, uh huh.

Went shopping for drinks and stuff lidat to stock up for the guests, bought plastic cups n everything. Reached home n prepare everything, Ben reached around 8plus so we had a warm up round tgt with Tai n his gf. The gf doesnt really know how to play so we didnt play money and were just wasting around.

Until around 9 plus Wu/Baoli/HOngWei came too, Baoli's friend not coming cuz he's going to Clark Quey and drink plus he doesnt know us. We played Mahjong to get the ball rolling, since not everyone's here yet. Around 10plus you came, then Kun called me to tell me he probably couldnt catch the last train to Punggol n i'm like, uh huh. So i offered to go pick him up from his place to my place so that we can have enough ka for Mahjong .

By right i believed we have enough ka wan lo, but ended up people couldnt make it, uh huh, so we ended up with not enough ka and Mingtai & I got to stand in since we were planning to play Banluck all along.

From my side, everyone tell me it's okie we play whatever we have, but since i called them here i have the responsibility to make sure they enjoyed the night or at least they get to play what they planned to play la. What i dont get it is, why's everyone getting so fed up when i'm trying to get ka to play Mahjong ? So had you to called Claire and Sky what time they be coming, ended up they couldnt make it too. My plan to slot myself in for Mahjong, thou i wanna play Banluck, failed.

Everything felt quite screw up cuz when we were Mahjong-ing, Hongwei, Edmond and you were playing 3person DaiDee. It turned out to be quite pathetic that we couldnt even start Banluck. I felt bad when the 3 of them were lazing around doing nothing, Hongwei was walking up and down, Edmond keep visiting my room to use my comp n stuff lidat.

Finally, i managed to convince Kun over, but some are like 'why am i trying so hard'. I'm like WTF? The only thing i'm thinking at that point was, now i managed to get Ka for Mahjong still kanna wet blanket. Everyone there knows how to play Mahjong but everyone didnt wanna play Mahjong, fine enough, even if i didnt wanna play ended up i also play le ma. But doesnt mean i'm the host, if Mahjong got not enough ka then i stand in is a 理所当然, of course i dont mind standing in, but as a host, my responsibility is to make sure i dont let down on those who came also right.

If the activity gonna pull off at 12am, me myself an organiser failed as an organiser. Imagine those who came with high hopes left with disappointment? At that point maybe nobody will think of this, but by putting urself in my shoe how do anyone of u will react or to think n feel? I'm not over reacting or trying to blow up an issue at my place, all i'm trying to do was to make those who came enjoyed their stay. Was i wrong to do that? Wrong to execute my duty as a host?

Lastly i couldnt figured out why human nature is lidat. If some one couldnt make it for something, just say couldnt make it la. Or say Maybe i'll be there, or maybe i'm coming or most prob i wouldnt be going but if i'm going i'll tell u again. Why must one say i WILL be there, everything's alright i will go then ended up last minute couldnt make it ar, blah blah blah.

So when Kun reached, the Mahjong game continue and the rest of us were playing Banluck and everything ends well. Even Ang, thou didnt come over, but called at 4.45am to tell me she's coming over now. I told her better not cuz the party is ending soon la, dont wanna waste her time n stuff lidat. Was damn touched can, 4.45am called me to tell me she's coming.

Thanks to all those who came, i really appreciate it man.