Monday, February 9, 2009

Surprised Birthday Mini Celebration by WT n XF!!

Kbox cancelled, sad, but nevermind, at least i can stay in school to study. Had lunch with WeiTing and Xiaofen, but i ate breakfast so i didnt eat anything instead i was watching them having their lunch.

Chit chat abit, talk bout subject and stuff lidat plus abit of gossiping etc. Then they had to go toilet, so i waited for them then TA DA!!! They took out 2 cakes n started singing me birthday songs, didnt really sing la cuz i was pangseh.

Not long later, they gave me my present and it was a cap from Erika, with i'm no. 1 written at the side. Quite cool, i like the gold edge especially. So yap!!! Thanks for the present girls, n i was totally shocked plus surprised cuz i really didnt expect it =))