Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Heart to Heart talk

Studying at Khatib Mac, then the guys jio me out for supper. Planned to skip dinner, rush home to take car then drive out and everything. Everything was set, all confirm n done. Initially there's only Wu and Tai, so just asked Bao whether she wanna join us, n she say probably no problem will update me again. I told Wu & confirm everything, ended up Hongwei's coming along too.

When it's about time, i rushed home to get car and everything. Wu sms me whether i'm done n stuff lidat, so i told him i'm reaching home soon. I had problem walking due to my awkward running position yesterday and my ingrown nail had pus n blood so it was quite painful. Not totally in pain kinda thing, but all the pain add up together it's rather painful.

Wu called me to ask whether is Baoli going or not. then i told him she not going alr cuz it's very late n quite inconvenient la. Soon after Hongwei sms me told me he's not going too late alr, not long later Wu smsed me too say not feeling well, so he think cancelled alr.

At that point of time, alot of things started popping out. I dont know whether is it coincidence, whats more outrageous was the fact that all this is came after i told them she's not going. So i tell myself, fine, i promised Tai i'm going down to pick him up. Even if all not going at least i will keep to my promise. But what's over is over, this thing is no longer on my mind. I stop thinking bout it quite long ago, and no point brooding over it la.

I went to Picked Tai up at Changi V, he gone alr, so i offered to send his friend home then we went Simpang, damn bloody hungry. Ate and we chit chat, dont know whether Tai rmb what we talking about anot. He was talking so fucking loudly that everyone there was looking at us. But it's rather obvious he's drunk since he keep claiming 'i'm drunk how u expect me to control myself.'

Talk about why the rest never come etc. Then he told me what happened before that. He told Dom, that i'm coming around 1130 plus plus. But i wasnt there till around 1215. So Dom was quite worried for him and kept repeating that i might have pang seh him and last min didnt wanna come.

Tai told Dom this, "全世界的人都会pang seh我,就只有Lionel不会pang seh我。I swear upon my life that Lionel will never pang seh me. Even if he pang seh me, he got a god damn fucking good reason to pang seh me."

When i heard that, i'm like omg!! So touched to the max, this kinda things coming out from him. On the same night, we talked about Joan, bout Gifford, bout us. Some how after tonight, we became brother more than best friends.

People may bitch about my Pang seh theory, but i dont care. I live up to my own moral value, I maybe always late, but there's always a saying it's better late than never right? People may say i'm over reacting when people pang seh, it's just another pang seh case what. But how about some one who hates people who are always late? You dont go around and say 'fuck la, u early doesnt mean we must be punctual what.' They have their own moral value to uphold.

I have to admit i'm always late, my personality is directly opposite, if i have a friend who's always punctual and i'm sorry la. Due to freak of nature i'm always late, no matter how early i wakes up, but at least i'm there and i'm not saying this to cover up for myself.

Seriously, i hate people who pang seh and i really hate it and i know i have been repeating this alot alot of times. When i kan a person for pang seh-ing, i'm telling u i care. When i shut up, and doesnt give a damn anymore i really dont give a damn anymore. When i got pang seh, i'll go nodding my head, when i get pang seh again, i'll smile n con't nodding my head, when i con't to kanna pang seh again, the person please fuck off la huh.

I hate mention names la huh, but seriously afew people if not cuz of Chloe, i wouldnt even bothered meeting them. I dont like to act like a hypocrite cuz it goes against my 2nd principle, those people are my gaming friends la. I hate going to a place, n try to smile n try to act like i'm interested in whatever u're talking, I totally hate it man.

Like or dont like everything put on face, swee right? At night can sleep more peaceful also, dream also dream of cupid. Smile also smile like an angel, fuck also fuck like a guru. If not free, just say not free. Dont come and 'can, swee, no problem, all on me, i'll be there, see you.' Then ended up come and 'cannot, sweeping floor, got problem, all not on me, i'll not be there, dont see you.'

Why so difficult? Cannot say cannot la, like i'll bring chopper go ur house if u say cannot. Better than when u say can, everything plan swee swee, then last min cannot. Then ended up have to curse urself, curse ur dog, curse the cat, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle auntie nephew niece cousin cousin's friend, cousin's friend's dog, cousin's friend's best friend. Later all not sick also become sick, no fever become fever, no sore throat also got sore throat. Male dog, from no menses become got menses.

It truly hurts, when u put ur heart into something, and people doesnt appreciate it. That's my main point, everything i do, i put my heart into it. By appreciating what other people do, we have a basic respect for each other, when we respect each other, we learn to love each other. Isnt that the way how friendships and relationships are build upon? Build upon trust and love right? If anyone broke the trust, how are we gonna con't love each other as a friend as a partner?

Right or not? Imagine u did something spectacular for ur gf, n assuming she doesnt appreciate it, how will u feel? R/S & Friendship is only a thin layer of paper apart, what you can do for ur gf u can also do for ur friends. But it's a different degree, a different prospective and a different approach. Gf starts from where? Friends right? If there's no friendship, will there even be a r/s?

Love a friend is to treasure the friendship, to treasure the friendship, it's more than words more than actions, it's all within ourselves.

That's me la, all of u who knows me u know me la huh. When i bitch, i'm a bitch. When i complain, i can complain from KL all the way to Genting. From Genting back to Sg, still complaining the same thing.