Sunday, April 19, 2009


took 61 tgt with Larine
Larine accompany me to Ikea thou she can cross the road which was faster.
Dinner with the rest, didnt eat much since i had a heavy tea break.
So i ate a Potato Salad & a chicken wing.
Baoli bought 2 wine glass *she broke one today*
they were busily helping her to wrap it.
Hongwei ended up did the best among the rest.

Bought my white leather shoe from Pedro
took a cab back home for mj.
Baoli sang for me all the way back home
Quite nice listening to her sing.
During Mj, everything was fine until the song 最长的电影
I merely replayed it, then Edmond started singing 再给我1hour.
Abit du lan, kept quiet for awhile.
Then during the mj, he suan me abit more then i buey lun alr.
i poke him back, then he point at the photo frame.
When he pointed at the photo frame
my whole weeks accumulated du lan-ness reached the limit.

Things got abit nasty, but of all the thing.
The worst was for Baoli, i can get du lan and everything.
But i think Baoli was very poor thing, she kanna all the shit at the end.

My wound had split opened once again.
It was fucking painful.
Baoli, so far being very nice to me, i guess she had suffered quite an amount of dmg last night