Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Last word

I dont think i'll be posting my draft anymore.
Just let this post be my last word

The only regret i had for this r/s was Huiting

that's the only reason why i'm behaving so uptight
probably that's the reason why i'm only a bf to Chloe, bf means boy friend.
i was unable to bring out my affection, not to the level she really wants.
Due to my own psychological barrier, i had never being able to love her 100%.
All i did was to be there when she needs me, do the things all couple does.

I'm there to protect her from harm, thats my belief
from some other jerks, or some other guys.
Wrong mentality i guess, after all this while.
It's time to admit some things, the reason i'm so frustrated & angry & everything is because i sacrificed another girl's happiness for her.

This will be my last post bout my r/s.
i'm getting tired of posting my r/s, u all are getting tired of reading some immature guy posting all his immature thoughts.
But trust me, this thoughts are the exact same thoughts that's going thru Zac Efron mind when he wants to save his marriage.
If any of you feels that the movie is very nice, the thing i posted is nothing different from the movie.

Dont say anything bout me not blessing your r/s.
i'll give you my blessing, treat him nice & be happy in it, in a r/s it's all give and take.
accept each others weakness and be happy it in, when we get tgt, we promise to read Man from Mars and Woman from venus.
Why did we do that for?
cuz we didnt wanna repeat whatever mistake there is in other people's r/s, we want a happy r/s and a happy ending.
I thought i can be there for you when you need me, but apparently it's not enough.

As for me, i'm a very petty person, i dont think we can be friends anymore.
Maybe 4-5yrs from now, or maybe no chance at all.
So yap, from today onwards, me is me, you are you.
Good bye my dear, thanks for the happy memories, i'm really very happy in this 2yrs 5months. Your unconditional love will not be forgotten.

I believe i can be happier if i know you first & not thru Huiting.

Thanks all viewer and friends who had been reading my blog all these time,