Thursday, April 23, 2009


this father brought his daughter to Mcdonald
she's at most 2years old i think.
He was feeding her ice cream
thru out the whole half an hour
all he did was keep smiling at her

Of course the daughter kept smiling back at him.
I felt so happy for them.
I always picture myself taking care of kids
but seriously i would give up when they started crying or started throwing temper.

I love kids, like to take care of them.
but who doesnt like to take care of obedient kids.
when i looked at him, i got drifted away and i started picturing myself as him.
the way he feed the daughter, so 无微不至

Even when the daughter started shouting
all he did is smile, and the daughter stopped shouting
so 幸福, i can totally picture myself going home after work
cooked dinner, take care of my child.
As for my wife, i seriously dont know what the hell she's gonna do.

Things will be different when living under one roof.
Hahaha, i cant wait to have children!!!!!