Sunday, April 12, 2009


every day without fail will come into my room accompany for half an hour or so if they are at home.
My mother told me to find afew oldies for her, then at the same time asked me to send it to Chloe.
She said the oldies has very nice lyrics, i should send to her, maybe she will gan dong.
But i said it's okie la, no use alr, it's alr over.

My dad leh, will come in and tell me his experience and everything.
Tell me it's okie to think of some one
look at my face, he can tell everything n etc etc.
But usual, he told me if miss her just sms her la, now technology so advance.
During his time, all they can do is to send letter blah blah blah.
Phone call also difficult, cycle all the way to another place to find the person.

I told my dad this, the world is changing.
We're different generation, it's this very technology that's affecting every r/s
Last time, you and mom dont get to see each other.
When meet alr then you all will start sharing everything.
Nowadays r/s, couple meet whole day alr, after that still need to sms and chat, sms and chat finish alr at night still can call each other and chat some more.

Without fail, this few days they always come into my room to accompany me.
Actually dont need them to accompany me la, cuz can be quite irritating.
Especially my DAD!!!!!!!!!!!