Sunday, May 17, 2009

in the library

reached around 515pm
feeling quite tired, i dont know why.
kept sneezing and sneezing, feeling very very cold.
Luckily i brought a jacket, so not that bad.

studied till around 6pm, i couldnt take it anymore.
decided to take a nap, but fearing that the librarian will wake me up
i faced the shelf, pretend to be writing something.
nap for around 15min, some one poke me and i woke up.

I was thinking, "seh, the librarian got so zai anot, lidat also can catch me sleeping"
but ended up was this small little boy, around 3-4yrs old poking me.
He's very very cute looking, look as if he had blusher on.
the hair style, n the degree of roundness, made him look like some Jap or Korean kid.
So i looked at him, touched his hair and smile at him.

sorta went back to sleep.

He poke me again, so i turned around and remove my ear piece.
i smiled at him n said, "hello, do you need something"
when he spoke, he had a slang.
Like those ang moh slang, "can you help me to find star wars book, i couldnt find it anywhere"
So i stood up, kept my watch, hp n psp and went to look for his Star Wars.

Not very successful, but got one, which isnt the one he wants.
he was quite disappointed but, bo bian ma, lol.
so i went back to my place, feeling damn awake.

But still, not very comfortable, so went back at 8plus.