Tuesday, June 9, 2009

at Sentosa

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Live today like there's no tomorrow ❤

there's alot of food, like sandwich, sushi, chips, hot dogs, nuggets, jelly etc etc.
Didnt eat much cuz im not use to eating so early.
Instead of eating i started playing frisbee and volleyball
cuz the sand is too hot, we suggested to play in the water
or rather water volleyball, ended up we play monkey in the sea.

Initially had one monkey only
but i feel it's not very feasible, cuz not very fair to have one only.
So ended up we had 2 monkeys chasing the ball, does make the game more challenging.

Abit of here and there, then had some horse challenge game.
Whereby each person will ride on another, then we try to knock the other person down.
since its 4:4 ratio, we had the guys carrying the girls and we did a apple orange.
The funny thing is nobody wanna carry Juliana, fortunately my partner is not her too.
Yuen Yun:Wei Wan, Mary:Normand, Melvin:Juliana, Yi Wen:Me.

As usual, everyone gang up against Juliana so we kicked her out of the game.
Quite easy trying to get her down, all i did was bite her and she let go of melvin.
Melvin is damn funny too, he just stood there n everyone just attack Juliana,
we can see how much Melvin wanna get Juliana outta his back.

Getting Yuen Yun out is easy too, cuz all i need to do is to tickle Wei Wan's neck.
He had sensitive neck, he automatically struggle and Yuen Yun just dropped off.
Dont rmb attacking the last group, probably we stopped playing after that.

Piggy back Juliana and Yi Wen behind me n swim
But gave up, cuz it became too heavy gradually.
after that piggy back Juliana, half way thru, got too tired ask her swim back herself.
But when i was swimming back, can feel my hand aching xia.

Started leaning on Melvin, then Yi Wen lean on me, then Juliana lean on Yi Wen.
with my legs on his waist hence a chain reaction.
Yuen Yun was holding the ball floating around, which was quite funny.
Imagine u watched those cartoon, everyone doing something, then suddenly got some one floating around doing nothing looking helpless. It's a rather funny sight.
but i had a feeling u guys dont know what im talking about, it's okie.

today, i had more blue black!!!!!
left arm from Juliana, right arm from Yi Wen.
the patches on the right is uglier than the patches on the left.
Felt so improportionate, plus abit of teeth mark here and there.
I swear, i'll bite Yi Wen back, lets say the next time i see her.
As for Juliana, i had my revenge, thats my dumping sea water into her mouth whenever she tried to bite me.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤