Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dinner@Coffee Club Express

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Live today like there's no tomorrow ❤

Havent seen Ang since the last BBQ
Had a little catching up with her at Coffee Club Express
chit chat + makan, lidat chit chat chit chat 4hrs has gone past.
Like not enough time man, i think can go on for another few more hours.

Update her bout my life, asked her bout her r/s & stuff lidat.
Quite pai seh, she paid for my bill.
Seriously ar, i really damn xiao bai xia.
This few days, really everything also not i pay one.
Feel damn bad and damn pai seh also.

I tell myself, when i start working, i'll treat u all back.

After awhile, she got to go, cuz her friend came to look for her.
hmmm, long story again, lol.
I accompanied them, cuz i had to, but ended up i took a night rider home.
If i wore a pants today, i cfm be going Butter Factory with them.

But too bad, i worn a shorts + oversize t shirt + cap & a digital watch.
ahahaha, trying to project a sporty look.
Ended up back fire, snore.

Damn tired, think im going to sleep for the whole of Sunday.
My eyes can barely open, yawn yawn

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤