Saturday, June 20, 2009

Surprised birthday celebration

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Live today like there's no tomorrow ❤

Gave Ben a surprised birthday celebration.
My acting is so superb that he didnt figure anything amiss.
I brought him to a place i never being before.
Sounded as if i'm a regular there, putting up a straight face.
Aha, i'm the best actor, lol.

When i saw the mum and sister there
i kept asking him qn, put a very exaggerating actions so that he will focus on me and stuff lidat.
Ended up the surprise was a success =)
Laureen is 20% drunk, Ben has blood shot eyes.
I concluded, that afterall i'm quite a good drinker. LOL

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤