Thursday, July 16, 2009


by right today gonna learn baking n cream puff.
but who knows, last min, some one attitude, so everything canceled.

the reason i think she attitude is because of,
1) everyone drag n drag n drag, dilly dally, so wasted quite alot of time
2) some of us got to leave early, so cannot do the baking tgt.
3) we say cancel the baking and go some where else

explanation, a step by step guide to correct answers.

1a) she didnt call everyone, so it isnt very nice to just leave like this. When people ask where u're going now, cant possibly everyone says go home n left at the same time. The rest didnt wanna portray a clique impression, so they dilly dally.
1b) some of them are going to holland for attachment, so they need to stay back after sch to ask the lecturers some question bout overseas attachment.

2) actually notify them ytd le, but dont know why insist that everyone must stay till the very end.

3) due top option 1) & 2), she's unhappy, so she just say cancel the baking n do something else. Ended up everyone just agree, so she became even more unhappy. Asking us, how come we said we wanna go baking then last min cancel, isnt that wrong?

Ended up the group of us went to play arcade/lan then i met edmond for dinner.