Friday, July 10, 2009

rushing jap hw

stayed home to rush my jap h/w
studied for my jap test also, cuz i failed the previous one
so had to retest today.

pia like hell, practise like hell, but couldnt register most of the jap.
So didnt really bother to study all of it
just tell the sensei that im going to retest my kata kana next week.
hope she'll approve, lol.

Dinner didnt wanna eat too much cuz im going for supper.
still had yoshinoya, i though the portion was quite small
but ended up i got quite full.

Jap was fun today, trying to read Hira gana w/o using romanji
quite a challenge, but i love it.
Damn interested in Jap n pray hard i'll excel and be damn good in it.

After jap, had supper at buang kok.
didnt eat much, ate wanton only.
cuz i dont wanna feel too full.
Bought a packet of chocolate to Jasmin's place.
But ended up, i left the chocolate in the car.
Sian diao -.-