Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mahjong With Mong & Dong

10 years never change, by right supposed to mahjong at 10+ to 11 wan. Ended up they were late, and we started at around 1240, but not bad, the pace was quite fast. Chop chop 2 rounds ended at 5pm.

Very long never see the both of them le, initially quite awkward but i believe as time goes by things will get better. Overall, Dong lost 15 and Mong won 15. Tai lost 5 and i won 5 lol. Imagine i paka with tai and Mong paka with Dong and ended up is tai & Dong lost.

Friday going Zouk with the both of them, maybe going timber not very sure. See how everything goes. So long never see Dong, his behaviour still the same which was quite funny. I starts to wonder whether did i change over the years or not. Looking forward for friday, cuz quite long didnt club.