Monday, December 7, 2009

1month duel

Nuan at home the whole afternoon watching Zhong Ji 3an Guo. By right wanted to leave my house at 4.30pm to kovan to get my shoes. But somehow i'm just too lazy, lazy to travel to kovan then go to Anchorvale for Badminton.

Left home around 5.30 ended up still late, reached ard 615. Couldnt believed it, Anchorvale is so damn near yet it took 45min to reach there from my house. When i cycled it took around 10mins plus plus. See the difference!!!

Edmond was there alr, Tai was late. So i stroke with Edmond first, then until tai came then we started playing 2v2.

At around 7.30, Edmond and i played 1v1. Some how i felt it's still not good enough, i think he still put water. Although i win by a small margin, i don't feel like i won. Guess im going to train abit more so he can take me seriously.

Slowly but surely, i'm improving. My hunger for victory will not end here, my competitive nature will soon over take my hunger for victory. In my mind, Edmond is more than what i had played with ytd.

Looking forward to Dec 20th