Thursday, August 21, 2008

Badminton is tiring

❤Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday❤

Crazy 10 DishesKing Of MJ Tai
Shy Litter Kun
Shy Little Clara

Woke up damn early, eyes can barely opened, but im meeting Kun&Clara at 10am.
So i forced myself outta bed at around 915pm, but around 925pm Kun sms me telling me he will be late. So i took my time then meet you at Hougang Mall around 1030pm. By then Kun sms me told me he will be late n will be cabbing down, so ended up only you n I had breakfast at Mac.

Luckily im quite hungry so i ate the $2 Mcmuffin combo, change my drink to Milo n yours to Orange. After the meal, we walked to Hougang Sports Hall cuz we were suppose to meet them there. Booked the court, then waited awhile for them, then started playing alr.

The game was quite xiong, alot of running n jumping cuz you worn slipper n i had to run every where around the court. Cuz of your slipper you tripped and fall, stupid dumb dumb!! But wasnt very serious cuz you could still laugh while your face was on the floor =.=

After playing for few hours, got quite drained from all the running, cuz im playing for close to 2 persons share. Quite shagged but it was really very fun, think now im addicted to Badminton, n im quite interested to go buy the Wilson N factor K series Badminton racket which is on sales. 70% discount!!!! Cant believe it right, actually i cant believe it too, 70% is too much for me. Besides that the racket is white in colour, one of my dream racket colour. I always wanted a White colour Tennis Racket, but that was back then when i was still in the Tennis team.

After our game, you went to bath so we waited for you at the Badminton court, while waiting we were watching some Lau Jiao playing. They were DAMN good xia!! Their strokes n smacks are like vavavoom!! Seriously can tell that they had very strong n powerful wrist, the wrist work n foot work is superb, but i think im just too lousy ba.

After that send you to the traffic light, cuz you decided to walk to Hougang Mall to take a train. Saving on Bus ride =.=
See la, the other time ask you to buy the concession lugi 2 days only you dont want. Now you had to suffer for 1whole month =.=

Went back to find Kun&Clara then went to swim with them. Kun is damn funny, hes like a water giraffe. Although he doesnt know how to swim Breaststoke, he can do freestyle which was quite cool. Cuz all along, i had the mentality that everyone knows how to swim Breast stroke, but not everyone knows how to do freestyle( im the classic example)

So Clara spend the whole day teaching him how to do a proper kick, while i do my usual freestyle up and down the pool. Clara said my freestyle looks funny, cuz my elbow isnt high enough. Felt so sad, like a meteor strike on me. Imagine i being learning for weeks n someone came along n say "hey, ur freestyle looks weird"

Tried to improvise, but i think im getting to use to this style, cant change so easily. Guess im gonna continue shadowing other people's freestyle then try to improvise on it some other time ba.

After our swim, Kun invited me for his 10th month anniversary at Hougang 5Star Western( Of course is i intro wan) They had this policy, like together for how long, then they will order how many dishes. So this month is the 10th month, therefore they are ordering 10 dishes!!! Luckily things like drinks and rice is consider as one dish. So they ordered Rojak, Popian, Hak Gau, Siew Mai, Kway chap n Ingredient, Chicken Chop, 2cups of drink n LoMaiKai. Everyone around us are looking at us and i felt quite pai seh. Cuz we like yao gui lidat, 10years never eat order so many things.

Ended up they cant finish the Rojak n Popian so i helped them to finish it off. Kun told me last month they order even more, like Black/White carrot cake, Orh Jian n etc which i cant remember. After our meal i asked Tai to go play Mahjong at my place. Luckily he's free today cuz he everyday also not free, everyday also got programme n stuff lidat. Catch up abit, chit chat abit then the whole session he lost like 20bucks. Felt so PaiSeh, asked him come play with us then ended up he biggest loser.

Send them home, then i went home to ZzZz cuz not feeling well!!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤