Friday, August 22, 2008

Sick Sick Sick

❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤

Virtual MJ

I found out theres this quite cool IQ game call Weffriddles. Its very VERY tricky n u really REALLY need to think out of the box. Its not those kinda quiz that ask u to look at the screen and try to solve the puzzle kinda thing, it involves alot of brain storming and speculation. Superb Game!!

Of course i didnt complete the game, but i doubt many people completed it anyway. I sorta gave up at level 15. For those who are interested to try it out, just login to

You were sick, so we didnt go out. Stayed at your place playing this Weffriddles thingy til around dinner time cuz we were supposed to meet SKY n Kim for MJ tonight. So we went Suki for dinner.

Shocked, when the waitress asked us whether we wanna eat buffet for dinner. So we took a look at the menu realised they changed their buffet lunch to buffet dinner. So the buffet will commence from 6 instead of ending at 6. Next time can go Suki for their late night Buffet cuz i think its cheaper than Sakae, standard wise more or less the same. But one big difference is that Suki u can order items below 5bucks unlike Sakae which only valid for plates that are $1.99.

Ended up we didnt eat buffet cuz we werent very hungry. Ordered quite alot of plates but didnt order any main course. After ordering we realised the price was $1.80 instead of $1.20. But i insist that its $1.20 cuz on the buffet menu they put $1.20 per plate, but on the menu they put $1.80 per plate. So i decided to like act blur n continue eating, then if they asked us to pay $1.80 per plate i will argue my way thru =x

Ended up its really $1.20 so quite heng, cuz i didnt need to argue with the manager. I like the Chicken Karaage, its like popcorn chicken i can pop it into my mouth non-stop. Took this Salmon Skin, which i thought it was Salmon Karaage. Not that fantastic but worth trying it thou. Then after our meal, they gave us this coupon, with alot of discount and everything n im definitely going back for more.

Bought Nata De Coco n a can of Longan planning to make dessert for Sky n Kim during the break cuz everytime play MJ with Sky he will always buy chips or drink and stuff lidat. As usual, they lost their way and couldnt find Punggol Central n keep asking me where is Punggol Road, but the problem is i dont know where is Punggol Road. Then they keep insisting that there is this Esso Petrol kiosk but the problem is Punggol only got SPC.

When they finally reached my house, they said we bluff them cuz there is Esso@Punggol. So i asked them for a distinct landmark, then Sky say "oh, got a 24h XinWang there"
Im like =.= isnt that KOVAN.

As usual Sky bought lots of stuff, like Lays Sour Cream, Twisties Chicken flavour and a Milky Way Chocolate Whip. NICE!!! hohohohohoh

When they arrived, Sky was on the phone with Claire, then somehow or another they hang the phone and started Webcam-ing. Hence Sky went to login MSN, to Webcam with Claire, so that we can play Virtual MJ. Its like Claire say what to hit, then Sky will hit it for her n stuff lidat.

Initially the Webcam couldnt focus on the tiles, so I removed my Webcam from my comp and bring an extra chair in to hold the Webcam. After that the Webcam is too low, so i took out my Dell box to make the Webcam higher so Claire can view the tiles. But due to some technical error, my speaker went bonkers, so we cant hear Claire anymore. So i went to look for my Earpiece so that Sky can hear her, at the same time my that Earpiece got mic attached to it, so he can talk to Claire at the same time.

After awhile Claire said she need to study, so she log off MSN then we resume our 4people MJ. My dad mistook Sky as Kun, cuz they are both very tall. Quite qiao also, cuz Sky&Kun are both from Catholic High, even more qiao, they both from the same CCA. LOL!!

Come to Catholic high, i always sing this song to the Cat High guys i know. Cuz Cat is and high is like 公教的教. So whenever i come across any Cat high guys i know. I will tell them this,"hey, i know your school song leh, wanna listen?"

我是公教 ORH JIAO( black crow), Dua( big) Lan Jiao( blue bird)!!!
Repeat after me,
我是公教 ORH JIAO( black crow), Dua( big) Lan Jiao( blue bird)!!!
(Chorus )
我是公教 ORH JIAO( black crow), Dua( big) Lan Jiao( blue bird)!!!

Around 1am, Kim told us she can only play one round cuz she needed to go. Dont want her parents to get worry cuz she wanna be a filial daughter. So our MJ session ended around 1plus 2am lidat. Sky lost $30, you lost 2bucks, i won 5bucks =.=!!!

Send her home, then went home to ZzZzZ once again!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤