Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day Of School

❤Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday❤

As said from my previous post, i got damn nervous and excited la, dont know why also, slept at 11pm but i woke up at 3am plus. So laze around, watched abit of D.Gray Man until Episode 92, n thats when i heard this song Musician Piano Solo. Spend the whole night/morning finding the title of this song, singer and author etc. But all i could find is the piano version played by the uploader, not the original sound track, so quite sad.

My dad woke up at 545am, started scolding me for not sleeping, later can stay awake during lecture anot, will overslept anot and stuff lidat. But i just continue doing my stuff, never really listen to him since i know i slept enough and couldnt sleep anymore( actually not enough la, but just couldnt sleep) Washed up, chop chop left house at 7 and go to school. Decided to comb the Shanghai hairstyle, that means back comb all the way.

Reached school around 815am, DAMN EARLY LEH ME!! Waited for Larine to come school, then i saw WeiRen, Marsiling, Jacq and dont know the other girl's name( actually forgot) then this guy sat beside me , get to know him from Banking Finance Lecture, but i forgot what his name. So keep smiling n hi-ing =x Sitting right at the back is YouYi, with some girl i never see before, maybe the girlfriend crushing the lectures.

When saw WeiRen they all, DAMN pai seh la!! Cuz i damn long never go Dragon Boat training after injuring my shoulder, so see them dont know whether to say hi anot. But of cuz, awkward i guess, they didnt say hi to me too. So didnt really bother too, but did say Hi to Jacq cuz Ang's sister ma.

The Lecturer is a Malaysian, who use do part time teaching in NUS. But before going to NUS, he work under this Japanese IT company for 12years, before the company close down. After the company close down, he then proceed to NUS as a part time Lecturer. Soon after, he created his own IT company partnership with Japanese. But few years later, the company close down and hes now back in teaching. Hes look abit like Fly, those super close up picture of a Fly, maybe cuz of his spects ba. Not a very interesting lecturer, but how interesting can a IT person be? He laugh like a gig, those typical computer gig( PMU: just like KingYum no joke!!!)

More of him, his daughter is currently studying in SMU, and his son is a teacher like himself. The daughter is very smart, cuz she buy secondhand book and sell it away (roll eyes every1 does that) The son is addicted to game, since he was young, even till now. The son Operate 3 computers for gaming( i assume the son is setting a server)

Beside that, i couldnt really bother listening to him alr. Cuz the rest are computer history, which im not very interested. Like im going into IT, of course if we talk about other things like how to fixed computer and stuff lidat i will be more interested la. Identify hardware, designing software, writing computer formula. This i will be interested, things like who invent the first computer i aint interested u see.

But there's one thing im quite amused, the first so call calculator, invented by a French Mathematician but failed. 2nd inventor is a German Scientist, and it fails too. 3rd was a Bristish Inventor, completed halfway, but didnt continue. Then the MOST SUCCESSFUL calculator is invented by a BANK CLERK!!!! and it sold a million units. WOW!!! Impressive right, Bank Clerk kicks their ass. So in short, i'm a potential Bank Clerk Wakakaka =x

Lesson dismissed, was asked to buy this Management Information System: Managing Digital Firms, if anyone got lobang do tell me, best if its 2nd hand cuz cheaper. Cuz when i went to popular to check out the price, n is like 50bucks ZzZ. Had lunch in school, damn man, shldnt have eaten lunch in school. Guess im still not use to eating lunch, after eating lunch i felt uncomfortable, felt like vomiting.

But i sorta ignore it, so went to SK swimming complex to swim cuz i wanted to try out the new Freestyle i learn from webby, see whether issit more effective. Swam for like 1h plus, couldnt take it anymore, left the place and went home to rest. Slept from 3pm to 10pm but still got the nausea feeling and migraine. The worst this was, my house ran out of panadol, what the hell!! im so gonna die from the pain!!

P.S I found the musician piano solo and the chords

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤