Saturday, August 30, 2008

Murder Of the Inugami Clan

❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤

Gelare Waffle
Potential Basketballer
Posing after the first phot
Sempang Camwhoring

Had a strange dream today, lol!!
1st dream:

Together with your dad,mum, aunt and you. Your dad say hes not feeling well, so he wanted me to drive his Cefiro. He didnt want you to drive( forgot the reason thou) so i drove your Cefiro. Then at the back he said this is a test for me, a test for what i dont know cuz its a dream -.-
Of course i didnt hear him saying it, the fact i know he said that cuz its in my dream. He asked me to drive your aunt home, your mum to somewhere, n send the both of you to NTU, for what reason i dont know. As i was driving, he was behind observing, marking my every action etc. Whether im driving too dangerous or what. Sound like TP thou. After arriving at NTU, we started walking around, cant really remember walking around doing what, but was walking around looking at different movie screening. Then cant remember the rest!!

2nd dream:

If Claire is reading this do not laugh, cuz i dont know why i'll suddenly dream of this. In my dream, i was driving this Vios around Marine Parade finding carpark slot together with you, but you were driving your dad's Cefiro. In my car, theres HongWei and Alan in it, but you were alone. After finding carpark slots, i decided that one car is enough so i returned the car to my dad n ride yours.

After returning the car, i went to Mcdonald to look for u guys, but HongWei and Alan wasnt there. Inside the Mcdonald, there was Sky, XiangYun and you, the 4 of us. Then Sky said this to XiangYun, "do u know why i buy Mcnugget meal? cuz whenever i order Mcnugget meal, it reminds me of my gf in Australia. She likes Mcnugget meal alot, so whenever i order this, i can feel her sitting beside me eating it with me. Thats why i always order Mcnugget meal whenever i come to Mcdonald"

P.S Sky doesnt know XiangYun at all, thats only in my dream

So many dreams, of course i overslept, n got to rushed down to Hougang MRT to meet you, was late for 15min, then by the time we reached Cine was alr 1pm and the movie starts at 1pm. We didnt miss much, so we faster settle down to watch. The movie isnt that bad, like those typical Kindachi a.k.a Conan, so that who likes mystery novel etc can try watching this show. Spoiler, its not about Kindachi, its Kindachi's grandfather Kindachi. So Kindachi is not the Kindachi u think he is but the Kindachi's grandfather who's name happen to be Kindachi. So the grandfathers name is Kindachi but not Kindachi. As in the grandson is Kindachi, do u understand?

After the movie, felt damn hungry went CrystalJade for lunch/dinner at around 4pm. Ordered my favourite Century Egg and Chicken Congee, and you ordered Zha Jiang Mian, plus Cha Siew Pau, Pork Zhu Chang Fen and a pork rib. Total bill 32bucks, heart pain, every time eat so expensive, bank account depleting, dont know whether got enough money to go Taiwan at year end.

Had a little argument bout paranoid, rationality and emotion. Hence went to Orchard MRT the ticketing Machine to clear her doubts and to reassure her, prove to her what im doing on a certain day certain time and certain hour. Everything was done, although im still not very happy and content, think just let it be i guess.

After that, went Popular to look for Maths Formula booklet for my Kenneth and to buy your father's Birthday present. Had a hard time choosing between the 60bucks and 80bucks pen. But ended up choosing the 60bucks wan, and i decided not to buy the Formula booklet too cuz i doubt he will read it. Quite happy thou, cuz Kenneth sms me told me his grade improve from U to B3 after i started teaching him. Felt quite satisfied and a sense of fulfillment, cuz my student's grade improve.

After that went to look for organiser, n realised it cost at least 15bucks, so dismissed the idea. Instead, went to look for those nice looking notebooks n all of it cost around 5bucks to 6bucks, idea dismissed once again. Ended up, dont feel like buying cuz i find it too expensive. After walking one round ended up i bought this Binder Clips to bind my notes, hope to be more organise this year.

Finally, last but not least, i remember to go Home Fixed to buy my nails to buff up my MJ table. So happy, finally can give my MJ table a make over after several hardship it went through. But dont think i got the time to fix it today, so maybe tomorrow after the Convex trip at Suntec.

Send you halfway thru to your tuition, then i went home to get change to prepare for my 3on3 training at Blk299 with Edmond. HongWei didnt come cuz he went to Tanjong Pagar to play Basketball instead. Left Edmond and me and some unknown people we played with. We played quite alot of matches, quite sad cuz i didnt exactly execute much centre move. Felt so useless, cuz i practise quite hard for the centre move, but the execution wasnt as smooth as i thought. In terms of feet movement, body contact and strength execution wise. Although the Basket count is there, just a cover up from my shooting ability. Not exactly something Centre should do thou. But its okie,
Practice makes Perfect. But on the other hand, Nothing is Perfect so WHY Pracise?

While we were resting at the court, theres this Filipino Kid tossing his small little mini ball( of course it didnt went in DUH) Find him damn cute, started to take photo of him, then he saw the flash n started running towards me to take a look at my picture. So i decided to take another photo of him then he started posing, after that he came running to me again to look at the photos. Then he ran off to drag his fellow friends to come take photo. But i bang them, i kept my camera.

After lights out, felt quite hungry, then Edmond jio supper. Think twice, then say if anyone going then i will go lo. Called HongWei n he say wanna go, so ended up go supper at Sempang lo. Since Edmond got his pay, he treat us to supper, felt quite bad so i paid for the drinks as a token of appreciation. He treated us to Cheese Fries Wing set and Roti John King. But i ate most of the thing since HongWei ate at 8pm, then again ate at 10pm, so when its 12am, his tummy couldnt take it anymore. After the Meal, we CamWhore for 10min plus or so then left home to ZzZ

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤