Friday, August 15, 2008

Freestyle Session

All ready to depart, wanted to fix my mum's bike at Rivervale Mall, then use it to cycle to Anchorvale newly opened Sports Hall. It has facilities like swimming pool, gym, basketball court n many others. I was quite -.-|" when i attempt to unlock my mum's bike, the key couldnt enter the hole. I tried for 5min plus, gave up my idea, then left home. Like i said, wanted to go SengKang Sports Hall, but i couldnt unlock the bike so i went Hougang swimming complex instead. Although its further, somehow its more convenient compare to Sengkang cuz of the walking distance.

The pool was very crowded, filled with secondary school kids playing with water, some were learning swimming n the rest learning life saving. Close to a quarter of the pools are taken up and filled with them, then the rest are normal swimmers like myself. Among all these groups of people, i love those kids who were learning how to swim cuz i was eavesdropping them, picking up some tips from the instructor. Ended up cheap&fruitful, paid one dollar, gets to swim, gets to enjoy the sun, gets free swimming lesson, how wonderful =x

I was quite cocked, i always though clocks are round, so whenever i tried to check out the time, i would always look out for round object. But i always failed to find out the time at Hougang complex, therefore i developed a habit of looking out for people wearing watches or people who just entered the pool so that i could ask them whats the time now? I saw this girl n she was wearing a watch, so i approached her for the time n she told me its 4pm n i was quite shocked. I remembered catching the bus at 330pm, n im quite sure i swam for at least an hour but she told me it was only 4pm. Of course i didnt believe her so i kept a look out for another person with watch or some person who happened to jump into the pool. Then i saw this middle age guy jumped into the pool, n i asked him whats the time now. To my surprised he pointed to a pillar at a far end and told me theres a clock there n its 5pm now. At that moment i felt like an idiot, cuz i had always been asking around 'whats the time now?'

After making a fool outta myself, i continue eavesdropping on the conversation between the instructor and his student, improve on my stroke and breathing. Quite happy, cuz i felt i had accomplished something. Beside listening to people, i do peep at those people who do freestyle n learn from the way they kick n tried to shadow their strokes. After which met HongWei at Hougang for dinner then proceed to Blk299 for basketball session, n Edmond was there too. But sadly there wasnt many people around, so we played awhile then went to Edmonds block to slack until its time to go home. Quite tired, but happy to know hows my friends doing.

But something very sad happened, my friends Mother pass away.

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel rocks❤