Monday, September 1, 2008

3on3 Training at LengKee CC

❤Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday❤

Seoul Garden
Waiting for the late comers
HongWei's hungry face
Whack ar!!!
Where's my Food?
Kong's Cap( look like girl meh?)

3on3 practice session at LengKee CC, all for the sake of improving our teamwork and coordination for the JumpShot on 13th Sept at Sentosa 8am( Ahem ahem)

I woke up at 945am, got dressed up and everything. But usually HongWei will sms me asking me whether i wake up alr anot, but today he didnt sms me in the morning. As i was wondering, "maybe he still sleeping." Hence decided to sms him to check whether is he still sleeping, indeed he didnt reply me. So i assumed he was still sleeping, carrying doing my things, wanna make bread cuz i was damn hungry( P.S last meal was 2pm)

Gonna put the bread into toaster, suddenly someone sms me, follow by a call. First thought, "siao liao, dont tell me HongWei at MRT liao( crossing my fingers)", went to my room to pick up the call, but he hang up.

Then it rang again, so i picked up
HongWei: wru?( background quite noisy)
Me: At home lo ( ji bai si liao)
HongWei: who tell me dont be late wan? then still at home..
Me: How i know, i sms u, u never reply. I thought u still sleeping what
HongWei: I where got late wan. Hp in my bag, i nv feel what.
Me: u never reply me, i thought u still sleeping what. nvm la, i rushing down now.

P.S Ji bai is not chee bye.

Skipped breakfast, rushed down to MRT station, manage to reach within 10min. Then we took a train down to RedHill station. Kong called me, telling me there's gonna be more than expected number of people, like around 6 from his side. Before he called me, Edmond too called me to tell me he be going. So from 5 people, we now have 9 people. But come to think of it, it should be alright cuz more groups, more exposure to different opponents and a test to see whether we can tahan through the physical part.

Reached RedHill, LengKee CC, sianx to the max cuz all the uncles and Filipino are playing full court. Although we can play full court with them, somehow thats not the objective u see. Our main objective is to build up on our 3on3 play, strategy and teamwork wise. After several confrontation, we finally got to play but its to play 3on3 with the Filipino. Ended up we lost to them, by how much im not very sure cuz i wasnt playing. Currently, having foot rot, so didnt want the fast break to further hurt my toes.

After awhile, all the old man n Filipino left n we finally got to play 3on3 on our own. Kong, HongWei & I in one team. Edmond, Davin & Joe is in another team and the last team is make up of Mr A n his B&C friends from China n HongKong i think?

Simulation 1: Against Edmond, Joe & Davin. Strategy in mind were Pick&Roll, Screen/indirect Screen and Post up centre Play. Failed!!!!
Final result: Individual play, minimum passing, no pick&roll, direct screen result in individual play. Foreign to indirect screen, no. of attempt to indirect screen close to 0. Rebound close to 0, post up play very bad. Minimum high post n low post, passing close to failure due to unfamiliar play style.

Simulation 2: Against Mr A n his B&C friends. Fixed all the problems we had in Final result 1.
Final result: Individual play minimised, passing rate increase, pick&roll so so, direct screen + additional screen. Successful in trying out indirect screen. No improvement in terms of rebound, slight increment when comes to high post low post same goes for passing. Post up still very bad, adapting to each other's play style.

Simulation 3: Against Edmond, Davin & Joe. Wanna improve on centre move, post up and high post. Plus Rebound and indirect screen.
Final Result: Centre move Failed!!!!!!! Idea half abolished. Rebound slight increment again, very very slight. Didnt do direct rebounding, more of indirect rebounding. High post is a success when combine with direct/indirect screening.

After several other Simulation we finally ended with last strategy, which is me as a shooter, or rather be volatile. If it's time for post up, just do it, if its time for shooting then i'll do that. Ended up, i'm revert back to shooting/point guard. But flexibility is important when comes to actually tournament.

After the game, its alr around 430pm. The rest went back, only left HongWei and I at the court. HongWei "bath" at the tap, while i went to the female/handicapped toilet to bath using the pipe on the floor. Meet up with Joe & Davin at Carrefour to go down to Marina Square for Seoul Garden for dinner. Ended up we cab down, lazy to take bus or MRT due to the Comex Sales.

Apparently we reached too early, so the manager didnt permit us to pay for 4 n take up 9 people's slot/seat. Keep pointing at the menu, which states "payment upon entering" n i'm like diao. We requested for them to hold the seats for us for another 15min, n went out to count how much cash we had with us. Altogether we only had 220bucks, not enough to cover for 9 people, hence we went to request for a 6people slot so that we get to take 2 table. Ended up, this trick works so the four of us went in to whack first.

As usual, i did my favourite cooking style. The ingredients are Onion, Egg, Button Mushroom( used in Mushroom Swiss) Beef or Chicken according to personal preferences. For best effect, advise to use beef, but due to 3/5 people sitting at my table doesnt eat beef, i felt quite pai seh to throw in the beef.

Step 1: stir fried the onion for fragrance
step 2: add the mushroom, fried together with the onion
step 3: throw in the beef/chicken, cooked it on the other side
step 4: break the egg n stir it well
step 5: wait till the beef/chicken is cooked, n the onion & mushroom shows slight char
step 6: pour the egg in, mixed well, for better effect use a spoon

Beef/Chicken with Onion&Mushroom omelet ready to be served

P.S after doing that do ask the staff to change a new wok for you

The whole night i being eating chicken, only until the end when everyone stops eating then i started putting in beef. Although earlier on Javier keep asking me to put, i still felt Pai Seh to put. Then HongWei is like, "is that beef? is this beef? that wan beef? this wan beef? But its black color wan, dont bluff me leh, chicken where got black color wan" Argh!!! It's all chicken ROAR

Javier kept stuffing me with prawns. He took like 10plus prawns but he ate like 0 cuz he says he didnt wanna dirty his hand, n the rest of the guys didnt wanna use their hands too. So ended up i finished all the prawns, although i didnt use my hand at all, hohohoho. HongWei knocked out, went to take Ice cream, n everyone is making fun of him saying he will go take his maggi mee n chicken after finishing the Ice cream. Indeed, after he went off, he came back with a plateful of maggi mee n chicken and everyone laugh until peng.

Kong prank call Javie but failed,
K: can i speak to Javier?
J: ya?
K: calling from the police to investigate on a stolen bike
J: fuck off la!
K: what? do u know who am i?
J: Ning lau bei ( your father la)

Around 930pm, the staff prompt us that the buffet will be closing in 15mins time so faster go grab our last servings. Not very helpful, all i did was taking one plateful of Ice cream, Javier took One plateful of Seaweed Chicken n Fish. HongWei took his Maggi Mee & chicken, n again yap.

Quite a nice experience, the whole lot of them very funny very talk cock. The dinner was alright too, not too full or bloated. Didnt stuff myself like Sakae buffet or Suki buffet, so was quite content with it.

On the way home, i tricked HongWei by telling him its 1130pm when its only 11pm. I adjusted my Hp time half an faster and managed to con him. Then on the way home i kept telling him by the time he reached home its alr 1245am, very late alr, dont know whether LRT still operating anot n stuff lidat. Ended up he damn sianx, until when we reached SengKang then i told him its actually 1130pm only.

By the time i reached home, it was damn late alr. Checked whether my result is out, ended up NO!! Then decided to go sleep alr, then Ben msn me told me result is out and its under Academic Profile. Hence went to take a look, FAINTED!! Failed my Banking & Finance!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤