Sunday, August 31, 2008

Birthday at Copthorne King's Hotel

❤Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday❤

Kway Tiao n Curry FishSatay n OtahTeh Tarik
Congee n etc
Headless Ghost

Last night reached home too late, today sorta overslept again, but i manage to reached your house before 1230pm. Rehearsed and all ready to shake hand with your Dad and say Happy Birthday Uncle, but sadly your Dad wasnt at home. So didnt exactly like shake hand with him. You werent ready at all, n i was thinking "damn i could have snooze for another 30min or so"

By the time you were done, it was alr like 115pm. Your Dad had been downstairs waiting for us for 20min or so. Went into the car, didnt do the handshake thingy just wished him "Happy Birthday Uncle." Then after that, we proceed to Toa Payoh to pick your Mum up. I wasnt really looking at the road, but realised alot of people was horning ur car for what reason: No Idea. But your Mum was damn funny, people horn one time, she will be saying, " buey lun." Horn another time, she would buey lun another time. As the horning continues, the Buey Lun-ness continues as well...

Read Harry Potter n the Philosopher/Sorcerer's Stone all the way until we reached Copthorne King's Hotel. Saw your Sister and KorKor, they first thing i noticed bout them is their dressing. Argh!! They wear until like go PasarMalem lidat, n i felt over dressed. But its okie ba, your Dad's birthday, wear abit nicer lo. Spike up my hair thou, actually wanted to do the Shanghai Tan Hairstyle but got threaten by you, so didnt backcomb it.

The stupid hair, cant spike up anymore. Think its too thick or what, or too long then the wax is not strong enough to hold my hair. Even when i use hair dryer, my hair didnt exactly stand also, even thou i adjusted the heat to maximum. Spend quite long trying to make my hair stand, apply wax, blow dry, apply wax, blow dry, twist n turn, blow dry, refine it, blow dry!! Still it didnt stand, guess im just too Noob!! Maybe i should just dropped the idea of leaving long hair, n just go high slope my hair. Short, simple and sweet, triple S!!!!!

In my entire life, not too long not too short, after watching Meteor Garden, I always wanted to leave those kinda F4 hair: long, tied up, straight of course. Although not like Vaness Wu those kind, as long as straight enough will do. After Meteor garden, started watching Anime, n quite fond of those Anime character's hairstyle. Look even nicer than F4's long hair, but afterall its drawing, the author can draw whatever he likes. Below shows the Biography of my hair,

After O level: thinking that i will confirm go Poly, wanted to leave long hair. Ended up went JC, first day of school got caught by 5teachers for having long hair. Idea suspended, Home tutor got into trouble.

After A level: Might have enough time to leave long hair before getting enlisted. Enlistment date right after Prom Night. Idea dismissed. Bye to F4, hi to Botak

After NS: Finally hair getting longer, can tie a very very small ponytail( those kinda very small wan where u will need to clip it in order for it to hold), but irritated, cuz cant do anything to it. Wear hairband is not a solution. Spiking it is impossible. Solution? Pending, to be process.

Back to the Hotel, we had Penang Buffet for lunch. Variety not say alot, but should be more than enough ba. Let me try to recall, cuz they got weird name, so cant exactly remember those weird name. There's congee, sticky congee, that looks yellowish, with towkay youtiao at the side for u to add( I didnt take any of that) Theres Fried Chicken, but can taste that the oil is reused wan, but not as bad as those Foodcourt wan. Then theres Sambal Sotong, didnt try that so cant comment. There's onion stem, didnt take that too. Beside it is the Prawn, the sweet n sour sauce is damn damn nice!! Then they got Satay, which was very tender. Penang Otah, i suppose, too watery, i find it alright but you didnt like it. Watery means it's not cooked ba, cuz i cook Otah at home before.

On the left, there's Curry Chicken( superb), Yellow Glutinous rice( dont like cuz got Pepper in it, those kinda before u grind it) Pig trotter, this wan is damn nice!! But the vinegar taste, too much for me. But the meat, as usual, was very tender( limited vocab when comes to food description) Then there's this Curry fish, and its OMG VaVaVOOM!!!( something new heh, should check thesarus more) Then there's this Rojak, which reminds me of the days when i use to work at Sentosa.

When i work in Sentosa, i use to sell Rojak and Satay. Being young, i was very motivational at the same time if can slack will slack. But whenever there's crowd, i will purposely put alot of butter on the "so call satay Peng-er" and there will be flame blazing like nobody's business. Tourist, as u see, are very curious and will always wonder what's that. So i will tell them this is Singapore Kerba, would u like to try some? Of course, being curious n all wanted to try Singapore cuisine, they will pay 10bucks for 10sticks of Satay n 6 pieces of Rice cube n 7bucks for Rojak. I call them Mr Robert, all willing to get chop. But when u visit this kinda touristm spots, its common especially Sentosa. Yap, agree? AGREE!!!!

They dont serve cold drinks, so i went to the Teh Tarik section. Took a glass of Teh Tarik, add sugar to it, then went to the Ice Kachang Section kope the ice cube there n make my own Teh Peng. Same goes for the TouHua, made the Touhua( its hot) went to the Ice Kachang section to make my own Iced TouHua. lol, smart right.

Back to the food in the Hotel, hmm, where am i? Okie, Curry fish. Damn nice!! Then they got this Kway Tiao, power pack xia!! I kept taking n taking, took like 3 plates. They didnt use the thick Kway Tiao, they used the small small wan, like MiTaiBak lidat. Dessert wise, only got Ice Kachang(self made), Cheng Ting, Wheat with Coconut Milk and kuey. Overall is not bad la, but i think doesnt worth 38bucks. But for birthday celebration, i think its alright la. If casual dining i wouldnt go there wan lo.

After lunch, we went Comex for the Fair. By then, i didnt feel very well. Fever, body ache, feel like vomiting. Damn!! I'm bullimic, but Edmond told me its psychological. Cuz im not use to eating lunch, then when i eat lunch, i felt that im not use to it therefore felt like vomiting. But think as it goes, i will get use to it ba, hopefully.

Back to Comex, went to look at your IPod Touch. Wasnt really in the mood, but i tried to not show any discomfort n acting all normal( although not very normal) You kept asking me for ideas, but i couldnt think of any constructive cuz wasnt feeling very well, of course i did try to answer a few question la. Asked a few software questions, but the guy doesnt seem to be very confident. But dont think that will be a major problem, software this kinda thing sooner or later will be solved or fixed.

You bought the IPod touch, wanted to go 4th floor to find your Didi, n 6th floor to look at hardware. But by then i didnt feel very good, whole body numb, cant exert much strenght. Think thats caused by the body ache, when having fever or cold naturally will feel this way. You quite unhappy, ended up we left n i went home. Appreciate cuz you send me to my doorstep, felt so pai seh. Reached home, bath take Pandol extra knocked out!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤