Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bad Hair Day

❤Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday❤
Drawing session during IS
New hair
couldnt get over it
Before & After

Again, IS lecture, another damn sianx 3h. All this lectures bout computer is driving me crazy, wonder how come people can take it. If my assumption is correct, people who really loves computer will love this lecture, whereas mediocre people like myself doesnt find the lecture interesting not even abit. So during the lecture i started daydreaming, soon i started drawing but ended up i didnt know what im drawing. The things i drew doesnt look like the things i wanted to draw. But didnt give up either, so continue drawing until lesson ended. Really hate IS, no interest, lecturer so boring, lesson so dull, subject so dry.

of his After lesson, went to crush Tesmmon's PBF, lecturer is the all time favorite Johnathan Peh. After going thru all this lectures, i realised John Peh is like an angel in disguise. Although he's boring, at least his concept is damn power, compare to my lecturers of course. Joker anot, this is in the blood n how the person carry himself, sadly John Peh couldnt get everyone's attention cuzemotionless voice. Stupid Tesmmon, whole lecture so damn quiet, felt damn sianx. Thought at least got people to talk to, but he like so engross in the subject like that. Still tell me normally if im not there then he's sleeping wan, ended up like some chao muggle.

When the lecture ended, left the school and went to Clementi to swim while waiting for your school to end. By right suppose to meet up with Kong to swim, but last min he said maybe Joe not going to gym so he's going to SOC gym so not going to swim le. Then, got few weirdo there xia, freak out man!! One of them keep stretching out his foot at me. When i reached the end, he raise his foot to my head level. So i tell myself, most prob coincidentally. So go for another lap, then when coming back i took afew glance to make sure the coast is clear, n im not gonna eat any more foot. 1meter lidat, coast is damn clear, but when i reached the end he decided to do some flutter kick n i almost smell his foot again. Quite du lan alr, swam to the other end n swim back decided to change my course, i swam to the other side. When i reached the end, he came bouncing backward n knocked me. Du Lan written all over my face, but ended up i told him it's okie so i swam to the other side n remain there for quite some time before swimming back.

Nevermind, after swimming, i went to bath. Then got this guy holding Watson plastic bag keep staring at me. So i faster pack my stuff n went into the toilet to take a bath. He followed behind me n sit 45degrees facing my cubicle, i dont wanna close the door cuz the cubicle very small n i scare people steal my stuff. After i finished bathing, i wanna test n see whether is he really so bo liao looking at me. So i went outside, sit at the grand stand, took out my Harry Potter n started reading. True enough, he sat at the side 45degrees facing me. After reading awhile got quite du lan liao, so i left n took 154 to BoonLay MRT station.

Walked around Jurong Point, looking for EC house but couldnt find any. So decided to buy a Milk Tea then find some place to sit down. Damn suey xia, right after i bought the milk tea i saw the EC house right at the corner. Stood there, finished my drink then went to cut my hair.

Hairdresser: Irashaimasu, this way please. U may put ur bag in the cupboard
Me: thank u
Hairdresser: so what kinda hair do u like to cut?
Me: Layer it, just trim abit can le.
Hairdresser: okie no problem (starts touching the hair), hmmm, the back of ur hair is curl, cuz its too thin so had to trim it off then when it grow longer it wun curl that much. The side of ur hair, is thin by nature, so i cant thin it for u. If not will be more Pong Pong, u know whats pong pong?
Me: yap, i know.
Hairdresser: okie, so i will help u trim ur side n behind. But ur hair needs to be layered, okie?
Me: okie can can no problem.

20mins later, she finished cutting my hair n i got quite a shocked!! She told me my hair now can be spiked, n the back if applied wax it can be spiked too. I'm like gosh i dont wanna spike my hair. Unless i drank some hair growing potion or used some incantation perhaps my hair would grow back. Left the place, feeling quite sianx. My months of hard work gone in 20mins, too fast too furious.

After that, went to look for places where i can sit down n read my book. Ended up they removed all the benches on the 2nd floor to set up those mobile stall. Then lan lan bo bian had to go arcade to find a place to sit down. Felt quite pai seh, everyone inside playing game but im like reading a book inside.

Waited till 8pm+ then you came, so we went to eat dinner at Kopitiam. Regret, never bring my Kopitiam card if not can get 10% discount, wasted xia!! After dinner, went home n discussed plan for friday.

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤