Friday, September 19, 2008

MaMa Mia

❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤

Today is study/movie/Mahjong day. On the train to PS, you showed me your new IPhone which your dad got for you. Quite cool, so we spend the whole journey figuring how to operate the Hp. The IPhone came with a unique cover, which makes it look even more unique. It was extremely loud, colourful and stunningly hard to operate due to the insensitive cursor.

Wake up early in theMorning to study, went to Carl's jr cuz of their free flow, can keep refilling so not bad. Reminds me of days back in CJC, after school always go Lido to hang out, take the KFC free flow sit there whole day. Chit chat, play cards, kanna kick out by security and everything. But ya, back to the topic, went to do my Auditing homework. Know nuts bout this Conflicting of interest, asymetric information and moral hazard relating to real life issues like Enron n Arther Anderson.

Some how this issues reminds me of AIG n Lehman brothers. Can you believe it? An insurance company facing a liability of 86billion which is three zero more than a million. What will happen to the people they insured? Those waiting for retirement? Breach of trust? Affecting every single insurance company in the world. Just unbelievable. Imagine the USA Federal reserve did not step in, it's bye bye AIG, as the parent company of AIA, i doubt AIA will stand a chance either. Even before the release of it's report, there's already thousands of people waiting to terminate their policy. I'm quite sure this isnt something that's like 'non of my business' u see, if it really close down n file for chapter 11 bankruptcy. The share of every single Insurance company will crush, the worst is AIG provides services like insuring the insured so can imagine how bad it can goes.

Back to the main topic, after that went to watch MaMaMia. Quite nice if u are the musical kinda person, if not then i think you wouldnt enjoy the movie. But can be quite funny in terms of their facial expression, and the songs are quite catchy. Although most of which are oldies unlike Hairspray.

After the movie, i went to Hougang Macdonald to complete my h/w there. Kenneth cancel tuition again, so i got 3h to finish my h/w. Then there's this couple beside me keep hugging and kissing, damn irritating n damn distracting. Couldn't take it, like come on get a room. The 'guy' is more agressive, i think if there isnt a table there 'he' will just jump right on top of the girl. The girl is only sec2, n i dont know bout 'him'.

When it's time to leave, finally, packed my stuff n left. Took the car, picked you up, then went supper with Kun&Clara at Sempang Bedok. Ordered quite little cuz everyone wasnt very hungry. Ordered 2 wing set 1 cheese fries and 1 King share among 4of us. The DVD of the night was Money not Enough 2, damn funny la. Actually dont wanna leave wan, but we still got a game to catch. So after the movie went my house for Mahjong. . . .

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤