Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Get Over it DUDE

❤Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday❤

After all the cancellation and everything finally get to meet Kenneth and give him tuition. Glad that his Maths got B3, which was very impressive i must say. Cuz during tuition, he wasnt that good, but there's always room for improvement, thats all i can say.

During tuition went through all the work with him, especially those that will come out for Paper2. He said his Arc and Circles is very weak, so today i drilled him on Arc n Circles. Quite bad, isnt very good, he cant really remember all the formula n his O'level is like less than 40days away. His paper2 is next week n his Trigonometry is very weak as well. So objective of the weak is to brush up on his Trigonometry and Circles.

I was damn curious, so i asked him how much did the rest of the class score for their Paper1. He told me almost everyone passed and i almost fainted, that means the paper is damn easy thats why almost everyone passed. Trying hard to be not pessimistic, hopr he will do well for his O'lvl. At least get a B3 or B4 for Maths, n had nothing to regret in the future. Failed English, choices in Poly will be damn limited, but if he fail his Maths, he couldnt even qualify for Poly entry. So die die also must make him pass his Maths, thags the only thing in my mind.

After Tuition, went to Blk198 to have my Lunch/Dinner cuz i predicted that i wouldn't be having my dinner. True enough, stone infront of my Comp, looking at my results, listening to other people talking bout their results. Everything is damn sianx.. POA supposed to be very confident wan, but the format is so different from the wan i have learned. PBF too, felt so easy, but bang on the wrong Chapter, Buey Tahan xia. Failed FAiled FAIled FAILed FAILEd FAILED

At home, looking at facebook application. Fascinating, never thought facebook will be so interesting, but of course im just commenting on it, dont think i will be playing facebook like other people who constantly are constantly online. Just playing around with the application to kill them, and finished the D.Gray man Manga as well as Anime. So now i got no more Anime and manga to chase anymore le. Back to boring lifestyle, but at least now im reading Harry POtter Book 3 the Prisoner of Azkaban. Watched the movie before, but cant really remember the details thou. After Reading Book1 n 2, i realised the movie is SO SO SO SO boring. I only watched for the effect, n picturing how Snape, Minerva they all look like. The elf, goblin and other legendary creatures.

Tomorrow is my ECR day, gonna see when i can slot in my PBF so feel kinda sianx, cuz gonna retake PBF and another year of stupid John Peh and i cant stand him ZzZ! So tomorrow gonna bring my lappy to school, to complete my ECR, hopefully i can put it on wed or thurs during my 4h break, then i only need to go school on 2 days instead of 3days. LOL =x

Surfing halfway, my dad came in to pass me a curry puff from AngMoKio. Dont know why, suddenly felt so much love. Although just a simple Curry Puff, it carries an important message across, like "i dont want you to go hungry my son", at night not eating, he thought i whole day never eat. As for my Mum, she didnt say much either, but me myself i felt even more guilty when they never say anything. At least if they scold me i will feel better, but by not saying anything it practically makes me feel worst.

About time, online for whole night, yawn yawn. Tomorrow still got school, early in the morning snoreZzZ

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤