Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dozed off during Audit

❤Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday❤
My Chicken Chop
Larine's Chicken Cutlet
Bought a A4, Wrapping paper n Black Colour Eraser
Unposed picture
Pork Rib, SiewMai and Carrot Cake
Dimsum Model
My very nice Dried Beef HorFun

Damn shagged, lack of sleep today. It's like a cycle, every week, my Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat will be my most shag days. By right supposed to sleep at 12am, but then ended up slept at 3am. So today woke up abit blur blur, if my dad didnt pull me outta bed Mark Harris is so gonna locked me outside the lecture hall. Mark Harris is the last person im gonna messed with, damn strict but funny old chap. Those regular British guy with his British jokes and accent, wild terrific dramatic movement and expression, overall quite hilarious i must say.

Reached school around 815am, damn proud of myself, first time i was early for lecture. Cuz, to be frank, i was never on time. Felt a sense of achievement to be there on time, just a personal satisfaction u see n i'm earlier than Larine for once. So sat through the lecture, looking at everyone, felt as if i just saw them yesterday, indeed i saw them just yesterday only. Felt like i was listening to him talking not too long ago, and indeed yeah, i DID listen to his lecture just yesterday. Crazy management, trying to squeeze both the lectures together with less than 12hour interval. Meaning, Tues 930pm my lecture ended, Wed morning, Tada, 830am i'm there once again.

Lecture finally ended at 1130am, everything was cool, he was going through examination technique more than Economics theory or those crazy philosophy. The pace was very relax la, i can say, but his lecture, i had to read the notes beforehand cuz he doesnt allow us to refer to notes during his lecture if not he will confiscate it. Sadly that night i didnt read through my notes yet, cuz didnt have the time.

After lecture, went Megabites to have lunch, my third or forth time only xia. Larine said the western is not bad, so i tried the western. I think it was really not bad la, just that the meat abit tough, i dont know whether is it suppose to be tough anot. After the meal, we went to the library to study, then i went to use the computer for awhile to surf my Elven Blood. Then went to Popular to buy my eraser, A4 size paper and wrapper to wrap my precious file who had been with me since Primary school till now.

Around 3.30pm, went for Auditing lecture with Larine, Ben and Charmaine. Couldnt concentrate through out the whole lecture, firstly cuz i didnt bring the tutorial sheet, secondly cuz i was damn tired. Keep dozing off through out the lecture, damn sianx xia. Cuz Auditing is one of my core subject, couldnt afford to do badly for this. During the break i went to get sour plum to keep myself awake, but apparently it didnt help n i was con't dozing off. My hair writing looks funny, like drawing lines more than writing letters.

Finally the lecture ended, couldnt resist the sleeping temptation, so i took 147 from Clementi all the way back home. The journey took close to 2hour, by the time i reached Hougang, it's alr 9pm. So met up with you at 5star there, n had our late late dinner. Didnt wanna eat western cuz i had western for lunch today, so i ordered the Dried Beef HorFun which i order the other time. It's really damn nice la, think this will be my next favourite dish alr. You ordered Dimsum like Pork Rib, Siew Mai and Carrot Cake. The person say charged us cheap cheap 3 for 2bucks, and you thought he said everything for 2bucks, then ended up need to pay 6bucks you are like "huh, i thought it's 2bucks" kinda thing. But ya la, you were damn blur.

After dinner, send you home, then waited for 136 to go home. But all the 136 came by all full, i missed like 3 136, until the 4th 136 decided to stop n let us try squeezing up the bus. Damn nice la the driver, but all this were spoilt by this bastard old man. Cuz as i said earlier, the bus was damn packed, n we got very little space n im sorry for squeezing up la, but i need to go home cuz i got school tomorrow. Then whenever the bus take a turn or break, momentarily i will sway to the left or right or back. Then i keep banging into this guy, but i didnt know, even if i did i thought i hit him quite lightly cuz both my hands were grabbing the bar. Obviously, he buey lun la, he purposely bang me back n hit me using his back. Initially i thought the bus turn so he sway la. But even when the bus was moving forward, he still continue swaying to the left n hit me, so i felt quite weird la then i trying to see what's he up to. He started staring at me, like wanna fight those kinda stare.

I'm like WTF? I accidentally bang into u right, he didnt need to bang me back purposely what. Being old doesnt give him the entitlement to bang me or whatsoever he trying to do there. So i stare back at him, give him the "wtf u want" look, then he looked away. The moment i looked away, he gave me the buey lun stare again. I got damn pissed n gave him the "what u want" stare, then he look away again. The moment i looked away again, he gave me the buey lun" stare again. I got damn pissed n continue looking at him, then after awhile he alighted. Not that i'm bo liao or what la, but he really keep pushing me xia then after that keep staring at me machiam i push him cuz i'm on purpose.

After that he alighted at Rivervale mall, turned back n stare at me some more, saw from the corner of my eye, but didnt bother to look at him. Sorta had enough of it, continue watching TV mobile n enjoy the rest of my journey home.

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤