Thursday, October 9, 2008

Shopping for XiaoFeng's present

❤Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday❤

In the morning, suppose to pass Joe his file, but he didnt sms me. I got abit panicked thou, i thought i read the msn chat wrongly, maybe he sent his maid over instead of coming down himself. Then i try to recall whether is he coming down or his maid. Ended up i sms him, see whether he woke alr not. It's kinda late too, im gonna be late for my lecture. Went past Redhill, but i was still quite paranoid. Didnt know whether is his maid there waiting for me or not.

Another thing, quite coincidentally i met you on the train. So we took down the EastWest line together and i alighted at Dover, while u went all the way to BoonLay. I was rather late, missed the 830 bus, but i manage to catch the 840 bus. Quite shocked again, cuz normally it will take damn long for the bus to come, i wonder why.

Every week, my IS will be at different places. First it's at 2nd floor, then 1st then today 3rd. Damn sianx, no fix location. Then next 2 weeks no IS also, good also, didnt need to wake up so early. I hate to wake up so early also. Reached the lecture before 9am, then saw some one beside Larine again. She super Charisma sho, every time when im late there will be some one new sitting beside her, almost every week.

Damn sianx of the lecture, n damn tired at the same time. Didnt had enough sleep again, cuz i was rushing the IS project. The first thing was, i stored it some where else n i thought i lost it. Kept sucking sour plum to keep myself awake, but eventually i felt asleep in the end. Then when i woke up the lecture was about to end alr. During the break, i realised my lecturer was a smoker, nothing wow la, but just shocked la.

After school, went toilet and i saw Darren and Nyuk yong. Chatted with both of them for awhile, n Darren seems to be rushing off, n Nyuk Yong is rushing for his Badminton game too so i just kept the conversation short then left them le. Went Vivo with Larine to shop for Xiaofeng's birthday present.

Went afew places to look at their shirt n dresses, but ended up i bought the topfrom Forever21. It was quite difficult choosing what to buy cuz the only hint i got was, she likes purple n vintage stuff and we got a hard time trying to figure out what's vintage. Is it circles? or flowers? or Junkfood material kinda clothing. But ended up, i stick with the purple shirt and forget about the vintage. At Forever 21, there's this woman mistook me as the worker there n asked me to help her with something, but she was quite fast, immediately after she completed her sentence she goes "oops, sorry" then turned away.

After i bought the shirt, i went to Harbourfront centre to study. The foodcourt there was damn empty and quiet, practically close to nobody there except for a few cleaners and old people reading newspaper, or businessman doing their business. Larine went home after that, n i waited for Joe alone there. While waiting i studied for awhile, then around 4plus, i went to find Joe at the MRT station. Pass him back the file, asked him more bout his job n how the lawsuit's getting. But, ended up, MOM suggested not to carry on with the complain since he didnt have a hardcopy of the agreement. Stayed on and chit chat with him for awhile until Fiona came, then i left for tuition.

Tuition was another blood puking session. He told me he knows bout probability, but the way he answer the question doesnt appear to me that he understand anything bout probability. I'm damn worried alr, cuz his exam is 2weeks away only. I dont know whether is he studying for his other subjects, but his Maths is improving at a very slow pace, i'm damn afraid that he cant finish revising during this 2 weeks.

Tuition ends around 730pm, but before i left his house his dad said my Hibachi was damn nice. He thought i bought it for 200plus dollars or 300. But i marked down the price n told him i bought it for 90plus only. After that went home, then left home again, around 9plus for dinner with you at Hougang.

Craving for the Dried Beef HorFun, n ordered another plate of Hokkian mee. The Hokkian mee not bad xia, quite nice man. So next time, we not only have 5star western to eat, we got other stuff to eat too.

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤