Friday, October 10, 2008

Linner@Bugis V8 Cafe

❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤

V8 Cafe
Cheese Wedges
Beef Lasagna
Chicken Baked Rice
Sempang Bedok
Sleeping Beauty

My off day. Finally one day off after a tired week. Got to wake up at around 1pm, by right suppose to wake up around 10am to accompany you to ICA, but really was damn tired, so sorry. At the same time, your sister was late, so we postpone our meeting time by an hour. Luckily we postpone our meeting, cuz my study package delivered around 2plus 3. Imagine if we didnt delay, i will miss my study package. All's good, except my auditing guide will be delivered to me at a later date cuz theres a revised on the topic.

Left home around 3pm, cuz your facial ended early. Reached Bugis around 345pm, damn qiao xia. I saw ChuWei patrolling at Dhoby, but due to the new Standard of procedure, i didnt dare to chat too long with him in case some stupid brainless public went to lodge a complain against him. Then after that when i reached Bugis, i saw Kong patrolling at Bugis too. Likewise, didnt dare to stay too long, cuz later kanna complain i will feel bad.

Went to Polar there to look for your sister and you, then went to Crystal Jade to expense your 10dollar voucher. Bought like 7 ChaSiewShu and 3Laupo Bing, ended up still need to top up 1dollar. Follow the sister to the foodcourt there for a cup of tea n makan makan. Chit chat for awhile, then left the foodcourt to go V8 cafe for lunch/dinner.

I ordered Beef Lasagna and you ordered the Bake rice. Guess the portion getting smaller n smaller, i remember the first time i went, the portion was damn big, but now its like so small la. Maybe Lasagna and Baked Rice supposed to be small wan, who knows. After that we still order wedges to go along, cuz our meal dont have fries. Total bill not say very ex also, cuz got 20% discount. Overall quite cheap i think, cuz no service charge, no tax, the bill is nett plus 20% discount.

After our meal, you went for tuition and i went home to sleep. Slept halfway, Jiahui sms me to go supper, then Wu also sms me to go supper. Actually quite reluctant leh, cuz next day got lecture and feeling damn poor. But i think, like so long never go supper with them le so decided to go after everything. After replying them, i dozed off again, by the time i woke up it's like 10pm alr, i thought i overslept, then i realised they delay to around 1120pm. But ended up i was late also la, cuz Jiahui's bus reached so early.

Didnt wanna order leh, alr thought of ordering a Teh Peng thats all, but Jiahui chia me one Roti John king, quite pai seh la, but ended up still accept la. HOHOHOHOH!!! Sat there the whole night chatting, bout unit, bout job bout life bout everything's happening. Update here and there, then realised Jiahui's sore eye was damn serious. Didnt know it was swollen, i thought only sore, that means red only la. If i know swollen, i would have visited him, felt damn bad after that xia.

After supper, send Hongwei home, then before sending Wu home, chatted below his block for close to an hour before he went home. Discussing bout personal ethics and stuff lidat, around 330am Wu left and went home, then Jiahui came over to my place to stay over. Ended up we slept at 530am and i got lecture AT 12PM!!! Ended up he woke up earlier than me, and if not for him i think i will be late for lecture xia.

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤