Wednesday, October 15, 2008


❤Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday❤
Morning Mark Harris Microeconomic, late for lecture, damnit!! My heart almost stop pumping for a couple of minutes. That guy damn strict, he say he wouldnt hesitate to lock anyone out of lecture if any one comes in late cuz that will disturb his strings of thoughts. Anyway, as i were saying, i left my house damn early la, but the stupid 74 took so long. I missed the 810am bus, then i waited for 25mins before the next bus arrived. If the journey was very long, still not that dulan, but Dover Mrt is only the 5th stop.

Half walk/ran to lecture. Luckily he didnt lock the lecture room. I did wonder whether he said those things to scare us only, but actual fact he wouldnt lock the room. Anyway, when i arrived, he was staring at me but i kinda hold my bag low so that i appear like i went toilet n came back to lecture.

After lecture, went to makan, didnt wanna step into the canteen cuz the smell sucks. If i walked in, my shirt will smell like the canteen, with all the food smell and its really damn disgusting. But the non-air conditioned place all taken up. Bo bian went to the grand hall to wait till the lunch hour crowd disperse then went back there to look for seats again. Ordered Fish&Chicken chop combo with rice&fries, lidat cost me 4bucks only. Quite cheap xia!!

After lunch went to look for benches to study. From first floor all the way till 4th floor, all the benches are taken. Damn sianx xia, ended up we shared benches with some one and i fell asleep =.= Until like 3pm, then i woke up and ta da!! It's time for lecture. Didnt know whether Ben reserved seats for us anot, we intended to reserve the whole row, ended up Ben pop out from no where n asked us to go infront. Quite pai seh, got to keep all my files and papers which i use to chop seats.

During the lecture i didnt sleep, cuz i drank coffee and maybe the afternoon nap made me quite energetic. Audit was damn boring, i thought auditing was all about correcting figures and stuff lidat but ended up learning bout dilemma and ethics stuff lidat. More on EQ and what we should n shouldn't do.

After lecture, went dinner with Ben. Actually wanna have a healthy n cheap meal, so planned to eat Yong Tau fu. Ended up couldnt resist the laksa gravy, so i ordered Laksa yong tau fu which was damn nice. Next time i will be eating that more oftern, but seriously not very healthy la thou still cheap.

After the lecture, saw this group of people practising Taekwondo. Quite interested in it since NS days, since now got cca like why not kinda thing. Some more 7pm, wednesday, Ben also can join falls into all the cataglory. Think go home will Email them ba!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤