Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Celebration@My House

Photo taking session at Vivo
Same Christmas Tree
Christmas Dinner@home
But i'm the only one eating it

Today was a resting day, so didnt go jogging as per normal or my so call 3 times a day jogging routine. Partly cuz my thigh was super strain from running 1h per time, and the last cycle i couldnt even clock 1h and had to stop at the 37th min. Kinda sad but nvm, this is just the starting, eventually everything will turn out fine.

Woke up at 3pm, met up with you at around 445pm and we went Vivo to shop for Christmas Present for my friends and my parents. Monday i'm gonna go for mini Christmas celebration, and the person i gotta give will be XiaoFeng and the person giving me will be WeiTing. Our budget is between 10-20bucks so yap, gonna shop for XiaoFeng's present and i'm not gonna say what i'm giving, later WeiTing come and spy on me.

Saw my old PMU guys working Christmas shift, poor guys. They can only go home after midnight when all the Christmas crowd disperse. Chit chat with them for awhile, check out their new police vest and secretly took a few photos of them and with them. Of course got warned by Nasron, he tell me dont post on friendster facebook or blog. Some yap, give and take i'll just treasured the photos and frame it up inside my comp =))

After all the shopping, we went to the rooftop to take photos with the Greetings and the Christmas decorations. Sadly it started to rain, so we didnt have enough time to take photos with every decoration. At least we zoom in and take the decorations only, w/o us that means, damn wasted la. But i alr had a brillent idea like copy and paste ourselve onto the decorations like my power ranger adventure tale.

Reached home around 7pm, my dad was doing the preparation all by himself and we were watching him doing the stuff. My freeloader relative as usual were late, super duper late, like reached around 8.30pm when the dinner was suppose to be 7.30opm. Like what the hell la, but at least this time round they bought something over and not empty handed like always.

The dinner was quite nice, Turkey, Mash Potato, Baked beans, Cole Slaw, Chicken&Mushroom Creamy soup, Roast duck and Roast Pork. The best part is we can barely finish the Turkey and there's like Roast duck and pork. Super diao lo, ended up we didnt eat the duck at all. My dad opened a bottle of Rum but refuse to drink cuz he had to drive later, and refuse to let me drink cuz i had to send you home, then why bother to open the bottle. So wasted again. . .

After the Dinner, they left and we had a mini adult Mahjong session playing by my dad's rule book. Meaning no animals, no dai can win, half colour is 1 dai, full colour is 3dai, sequence set as 60cents 1.20bucks. Damn difficult to play cuz everyone anyhow also can win since no dai required. Irritating, ended up i lost like 8bucks.

Poor old parents had to sleep early, cuz they weren't use to sleeping late. So i text Wu told him it's okie, Mahjong session off. At the same time Tai sms me telling me to guess wtf is he at now? Initally i thought he was drunk la, so i replied him zouk and he was like bingo and started his anti clubbing Chant and i'm like i'm not the one who forced you. LOL

Sent you home, then went home, wave bye to the police on duty outside your house. Went jogging at like 445am, clocked a 1hour timing and feeling rather refreshed at the same time shagged. So i'm gonna lie on my bed and dozed off ZzZz