Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sleeping disease

Stupid keyboard finally not giving any problem, problem meaning the stupid hyphen problem. But still it's an on and off thingy, so while it doesn't keep hyphen-ing, i shall make it fast n sweet. Recently facing a sleeping disease, i sorta contracted the 'don't sleep will die' disease. Although i thought i no longer giam to sleep anymore, apparently NOT!

Every boring lecture i will literally dozed off, and wakes up the moment it's break time or when lesson ended. The whole of year 1 i didn't experience this syndrome, not at all, didn't understand how come year2 i'll sleep like nobody business. The last time i used to sleep this much was back in JC times if not Secondary school times. All the memorable sweet teachers will award me the OUTstanding award till lesson ended.

Best is during JC times, when my dearest MR Foo grant me year long exemption from his Maths lesson. So for the whole 2 years, i don't have to attend his lesson and can skip it whenever i like. He hates me, probably cuz i used to talk to Liwen when we were J1, or maybe cuz i either talk during his lesson if not i'll be sleeping(that's what he shouted at me during lecture)

So now, i'm back to sleeping sleeping sleeping. The worst thing is couldnt sleep while traveling to school, but the moment i stepped into lecture hall i'll start feeling sleepy. Gosh, need to do something bout it. Hope Red Bull will give me wings if not caffine can just poison me to death for all i care.

BTW, today Ben brought this love letters with pork floss from Bangkok to lecture. Quite nice, but i guess its damn fattening and there's some XO sauce in it, n i guess i'm drunk after the lecture. lol