Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ngee Ann Subway opening on Jan 2009

Ngee Ann poly's Subway closed down for renovation! Opened on Jan 2009 at block 51 air conditioned room blah blah blah. What the hell!!! Walked all the way to Ngee Ann but the subway is closed, damn sianx la. So our tour guide YiPing bring us around Ngee Ann poly introducing various food etc, then we ended up eating at Canteen3.

Yiping intro us the fish soup and it's Yam rice, so ended up all of us went to eat that. Actually asked Shaike and Lyena to come along wan, but they prefer to stay in school to makan. So quite wasted if not there will be more people.

Wanted to be healthy, so i ordered sliced fish soup today, got lectured by Edmond the other time for ordering Fried fish soup.

Edmond: kao, what so healthy bout fried fish soup. The fish is fried leh
Me: but got soup what, soup healthy
Edmond: knn, the fish oily ended up the soup also oily right. Where got healthy
Me: Then more diluted what, so not so fattening
Edmond: then u should eat sliced fish soup right, i tell u where the sliced fish nice

and the conversation continues la. Today will be my healthy Day 1, eating sliced fish soup, so HEALTHY!!

After lunch, we went to Ngee Ann library and so i took a nap there. Sianx xia, i drool until my sleeve quite smelly. Next time must bring towel n sleep on my towel alr, if not i will drool all over the place. When i woke up, realised it's quite late alr n had to rush back to school for lecture. Then realised i got 5 sms and 1 missed call. Edmond told me he not going gym alr, and you sms me bout no love. Felt quite guilty, cuz i giam sleep never read my sms.

Lecture ended early, Mr Chong damn nice, dismissed us half an hour earlier. So i made my way to gym alone, quite sianx of course. Reminds me of the day when Tai stopped going to gym n i kept up the gymming activity alone for 1 month and eventually gave up gymming cuz no one to accompany me.

After gymming went dinner/supper with you and your PonyTail gang. Damn sinful, after all the gymming i went to eat prata for dinner!! Somebody KILL mE!!! All the fats and calories i burn off is all coming back again. Sadly my bestie felt sick so he didnt join us. So poor thing man, at age 22 kanna hand foot and mouth disease. Those of u reading the blog, please bow ur head and have a moment of silence and pray for the sick guy over there. Quarantine n confined in a house, so poor thing. Let us bow our head again n have another moment of silence.