Thursday, January 22, 2009


Couldnt wake up for the morning lecture so ended up pon-ing it. Damn tired until i fell sicked, everyday machiam not enough sleep. The most i slept for 6hrs only, like what the hell la, my body needs at least 8-10h of sleep of course during my non-schooling days i'll sleep either 12h or more.

FM in the afternoon, so gotta go, but after that went Clementi to 捞鱼生 with you n your NTU friends. Met Kwee Swee and Edward, quite funny guys. Kwee Swee like very informative and Edward like constantly suan-ing Kwee Swee, some how their actions were very familiar but i just couldnt rmb la.

Damn kia su n everything, we were the only table 捞鱼生 and everyone looking at us like we're bunch of small kids. Besides the point, even the sell drink uncle also teaching us what to do, so ma lu la. Hahaha

So end of the day, they taugh me a new song.
要吃的是你, 要去的也是你,不会去的是你,要order鱼生也是你,要捞的是你,怕pai seh 的也是你。通通都是你啊Kwee Swee!!!