Thursday, March 26, 2009


Got a feeling Clara doesnt like me, but hopefully my assumption is wrong la. Dont know bout Kun's side, as for me, since last time I always treat him and Tesmmon as my buddy. Obviously Tesmmon is too obsess with his Starhub friends, so now only left with Kun.

Buddy buddy so must at least get along with the gf. I'm thinking whether is it cuz of the things i do to try to get along with her makes her feels irritated. Maybe just behave normally and things will turn out fine, if try too hard later she feels even more irritated then i die. No need to hang out with Kun liao.

Also scare i asked Kun out to study too much, then Kun's time spend with her dropped. Maybe cuz of this thats why she doesnt like me. Hmmm, put on my thinking cap =)