Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tuesday Blue

Why issit blue?

Cuz i'm still doing my stupid Excel AND Database, it's probably driving me crazy. Damn sianx doing it.

I rmbed talking bout senile and stuff lidat, LOL. It reminds me of a joke i had with my dad when i was 11years old when i was at HongKong.

My old and senile GrandAunt from HongKong couldnt understand much english, probably cuz she belong to the older generation, so my dad and i always converse in english to bitch about her.

Now come to think about it probably my dad doesnt like her that much back then, if not he wouldnt be so entertain by some 11years old kid.

As i was saying, we were bitching bout her. Cuz she was old, 老处, i came up with the eccentric old unmarried people. Then my dad said she was senile, n i think it wasnt very nice to say that infront of her cuz it's 老人痴呆症。
As i was pretty young, the term senile sounds very alien to me, so i came up with this Old People Eat Blur sickness. So my i had a short form for it, which was called OPEBS and we started using Opebs Opebs.

Now come to think of it, it's not funny leh, but it was pretty amusing for a 11years old kid i guess. The worst thing is my dad didnt stop me instead he joined in.

Pretty confirm, if u cant beat them, join them. I supposed.