Thursday, April 9, 2009

Criteria and changes

I had realised alot of problems of myself and i believed this r/s serves as a wake up call.
I'm so envious of Kun and Clara when i studied with them today.
It reminds me of the days when i'm with Chloe.
Slowly read thru the notes i took down during my journey with her.
Isnt something to be sad about, it enlightens me more.

Afew critical weakness about myself i really need to correct.

1) always late

2) always procrastinate

3) always has a excuse for everything

4) too much ego in me

5) take things for granted and not appreciative

6) too straight forward, when i'm unhappy, i'll just whack and dont care bout the consequences. Think abit attitude problem

7) very very lazy, really very lazy.

8) too much night life

these are some of the problems i really need to fix.
If i'm able to solve this one by one, i think i'll be a better person.

Today, i'm wasnt late for lunch, i wasnt late when meeting Kun.
Hope this will be the first changes and a permanent one.

I wrote my cover letter and resume, submitted my internship application last week.
Hopefully in future event, i wouldnt con't to procrastinate too =)