Thursday, April 2, 2009

Life goes on

Life goes on, had a feeling things like this is coming up. Just knew it, had this strong feeling for quite some time. Maybe can call this 6th sense or what, but yap, it indeed happened. I thought things were going well, but apparently it wasnt. So no regret, since i'm the major cause.

Sadness? Obviously they will be, but by remaining sad is childish. Unable to control my emotion is childish too, i'm childish, but i'm in terms of emotion i believed i'm wouldnt resign to it. Korean shows were crude, but nothing compare to this. Everything in your face, PIAK!!!

Looking at my room, my window, my monitor. Hmmm, my handphone, my quick dial. Shucks, open my wallet too, it's every where. Sunday's coming, sian, my mum's birthday will be on that day, extra sian. What I am gonna do on Sunday? Dont know, dont care, dont bother.

Took out my key, put on the table, key chain all scratched, with holes here n there. Wanna take my examiner report on my book shelf, shucks, all over the place. When it's time to sleep, the yellowish birdy from the jackpot machine. If i'm gonna include all the miniature on the table it's gonna go on and on. Like the deflated Balloon with the bear, the Famous Amos fungus cookie wrapper, fake toy flower.

Alamak, giotto boxes lying every where, weird fetish for junk stuff. If i'm gonna dig my tissue box, got few decomposed Hersey lying inside. Actually i know it's there for years alr, but just couldnt bear to throw it. Even all the shopping bags, i always dump all into my cupboard, inside all those junk plastic bags collect from all over the place. Blossom, popular, challenger, world of spot n blah blah blah. LOL

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, ended up it's just me being petty, revengeful, too strong feelings, having an attitude, bad behaviour. Piak!!!!!!! Ouch, it hurts, machiam tight slap xia. Feels like privatising my blog, i dont feel like seeing the future too, cuz i know what it's gonna be like.

Things may turn out to be what i expected, i'm not an extremely smart person. But at least my feelings doesnt lie, at least i got it correct when one falls for another. So I wouldnt be surprised if my prediction comes true. Nice guy, easy to talk to etc etc. So yap, aint hard to tell. But maybe i'm over sensitive, cuz when things happen too fast, people tend to think too much. Like Tai & HongWei always say, 'Lionel, 你想太多啦 kao."

I finally understood why my right eye being twitching for the past 2 weeks, and i guess its bout that time. It still couldnt stop twitching. I'm quite superstitious, rather believe than not. So yap. People say that right eye twitch means something bad gonna happen. Misfortune indeed has befall. I kept wondering whats gonna happen, couldnt really figure it out, initially was damn worry. Edmond told me, "it might not happen to u, it might happen to people close to you." Then i became damn worried for my parents and people close to me. Well, ended up it all happens on me, so yap, i'm right after all.

Everything feels like a dream man, at 10pm, the stupid radio was playing some kinda sentimental oldies. I'm like totally wtf? Not so suey ba, at a time like this. Sian!!!!!! Forgot sang by who alr, cuz i just switched it off, and on my Wonder Girls and SNSD. Catchy catchy, but stupid chorus with 'want nobody but you' if not SNSD will go 'with my trembling heart, it's thumping thumping,' zZz dot dot dot poke poke poke!!!!!!!!

HW, need to pay copyright if u're using poke poke poke dot dot dot z z z~!