Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Baking@Juliana's place

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Live today like there's no tomorrow ❤

Actually i'm quite sure i wouldnt be late
sadly, i was late, cuz i overslept and take all the way to HBF.
stupid xia, cuz those blink blink thingy was out of order.
I kept wondering why am i still at Boon keng.
But yap, late for 20min.

Shop for ingredient at Giant
bought potato, sausages, baking necessity & drinks back.
All this accounted to 20+ bucks
gosh, like omg la, lol.
Didnt know baking thingy cost so ex.

First thing we did when we reached her house
is to peel the potato, shred the potato then marinate it.
Inspired by Ben's theory of cooking, i done the marinating my style.
Ended up taste damn nice, so quite proud of myself.

Juliana, wanted to flip the Rosti & i thought she couldn't have done it.
But ended up she flipped the Rosti damn high la.
My jaw practically touches the floor n bounced right back up.
Impressed, totally impress.

Next follow by the main event of the day.
That's the baking session we're supposed to carry out.
2 noob, trying to bake cookie by extract recipe on line.
Ended up 1st attempt fail, and had to retry.

This part was damn funny, while we're eating
the mum was beating the cream for us
she said baking, must constantly beat the cream, if not the result will be terrible.
Juliana, you everything also dont know, let the dont know who keep doing.
Ah boy ar, whats your name again ar?
Sad, ahaha, my name so difficult to rmb.

But seriously, she damn suey also la.
While i was doing all the job, the mother was always there.
While she's doing all the job, the mother was always inside the room watching tv.
when she's sifting the powder, i'm like wth u're doing.
She told me sifting the powder la, u dont know meh.
then the mother walked in, i think over heard the conversation.
Asked who doesnt know powder needs to be sifted, so i explained to the mum i was teaching Juliana that the powder had to be sifted before adding the mixture in.

Yap, fun process, an experience to learn to bake.
During the 1hr interval, while waiting for the cookie to bake.
we're playing piano, and i think she's damn good.
wanted her to teach me phantom of the opera, but i shy.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤