Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday gone once again

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Live today like there's no tomorrow ❤

Once again, woke up my Sunday gone again.
Every sunday seems to wake up at 5pm or close to 6pm.
This time, dinner at Hougang.
But the crowd size is getting larger,
not only my parents and me.
My niece nephews are all there, and it's all 4 of them plus Ah Hong & Mei Mei.

Ate dinner there, for the first time couldnt finish the food.
Cuz i was too full, really really couldnt finish everything.
Had to finished half a bottle of beer too, cuz my dad couldnt finish.
Makes me feel even more bloated.
We had you tiao, claypot fishhead, gu lu ba, kang kong, fried chicken and afew more dishes i couldnt remember.

After dinner, went Hougang mall to make my frameless spects.
Made a very very very squarish spects, lol.
Trying to look intellectual and smart, also to make my round face look less round.
$168, quite ex thou but it's yi lu fa, so shouldnt be that bad, lol.

the rest of the time i was playing with Natalie and Issac.
Stupid Natalie cried whenever i tried to carry her,
at least Issac is more cooperative so i had more fun with him.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤